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Fun, fun, fun :)
fer's picture

riding now somewhere in Sydney

Friday, 6 November, 2009 - 14:30
Meeting Point: 

somewhere in sydney

I have enough!! I need a ride. I am about to go somewhere for a ride, I leave in 30minutes or so from the city, i am easy on where to go. If someone wants to come give me call, number in my profile.

fer's picture

Red Hill Sat Arvo

Saturday, 7 November, 2009 - 14:00
Ride Database Entry: 
Red Hill
Meeting Point: 

Red Hill Reserve car park, off Lady Penryhn Drive, Beacon Hill. Another option is to ride over here from Oxford Falls.

-33.744534, 151.255780 (Red Hill Carpark)

There was some discussion on where to go on Red Hill (

I have been there a few times and know some bits, but there is always the oportunity to know more, that is a nice way to say i get lost and discover new tracks from time to time, more often than i would like to admit Smiling

fer's picture

Lake Parramata (almost) Mid week

Tuesday, 10 November, 2009 - 13:30
Meeting Point: 

car park at Parramata Lake

The day is fixed, the time may be later if it is too hot or I get late in some stuff i need to do before getting on the bike. It is a technical single track around the lake, and some more where i have not been but i was told about.

hawkeye's picture

Newby friendly Perimeter + Long (Terry Hills)

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Saturday, 7 November, 2009 - 14:00
Ride Database Entry: 
Terrey Hills / Duffys Forest
Meeting Point: 

Park opposite/beside Terrey Hills shops, corner Booralie Rd/Yulong Ave. Or in the small carpark next to the RFS station & community centre.

-33.682365 151.227937 (Terrey Hills Shops)

This is a reprise of the ride held last weekend that I couldn't make. It will be a straightforward non-technical ride, and suitable for those wishing to introduce a friend to the sport.

The ride will be slow and social. I haven't ridden this trail previously, so we can go exploring together. The length of the out-and-back is about 22km, so probably not suitable for really young children.

Weather Plan:
If it turns out to be unbearably hot we will postpone to a 5pm start so as not to stress the junior riders.
If steady or heavy rain or slushy conditions we will defer one week

chris02's picture

Night ride at at the RNP

Wednesday, 4 November, 2009 - 19:46
Ride Database Entry: 
Royal National Park
Meeting Point: 

Usually Loftus Oval, Sutherland, just off the Princes Highway.

-34.051056, 151.050992 (Loftus Oval car park)


yes I assume the reasons for .. are the fling coming up.. so cancelling till next week.

RNP for the Wednesday night ride..

You'll need good lights and thats about all .. the ride is quite simple.. just out and back along the various single tracks.

See you there.

fer's picture

Firday Arvo Cascades and something else

Friday, 30 October, 2009 - 16:00
Ride Database Entry: 
Meeting Point: 

End of Wyatt Ave, Belrose - this is on the East side of Garigal National Park.

-33.724071, 151.210407 (Wyatt Ave, Belrose)

This is shot 2 from last week as discussed with Rob in that opportunity.
My idea is to go down the cascades down hill single track (if i find it), climb out and see what else we can do.

I don't want to go down that trail alone, it is a bit technical and i don't want to lie unconsious until my wife starts worrying if something unplanned happens Sad, so if nobody confirms and someone has a suggestion to go somewhere else (like Lane Cove) post it and I can change the plans. If nobody comes i may go to Menai that i know where i get into Smiling

chris02's picture

Mid week Menai NIGHT ride

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Wednesday, 28 October, 2009 - 19:46
Ride Database Entry: 
Menai (Lucas Heights)
Meeting Point: 

By the sports field on Old Illawarra Road, Barden Ridge.

-34.037591,151.006672 (Old Illawarra Rd)

Menai.. at night.. A bit technical in places, a few pinch climbs here and there and some good flowing sniggle.

Not the ride for a beginner as it can be tricky in places, good lights will be needed and body armour is /optional/ advised.

Best thing, we ride at the pace of our last rider so this is a great way to stay together, see the animals out and about and most importantly not be worried about if this group is going to disappear into the distance. We're out to enjoy the "special effects" that night riding is all about.

hawkeye's picture

Newby friendly Terry Hills

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Sunday, 1 November, 2009 - 14:00
Ride Database Entry: 
Terrey Hills / Duffys Forest
Meeting Point: 

Park opposite/beside Terrey Hills shops, corner Booralie Rd/Yulong Ave. Or in the small carpark next to the RFS station & community centre.

-33.682365 151.227937 (Terrey Hills Shops)

Let's try that again...

As discussed, this is my proper first ride back after an injury, and I'm under strict instructions from He Who Must Be Obeyed that I'm not to fall off! The missus would kill me if I did anyway, but the surgeon is bigger. Not sure who I fear more. Sticking out tongue

jpack's picture

RIDE: New Drivetrain = must ride: Red Hill

Saturday, 24 October, 2009 - 08:00
Ride Database Entry: 
Red Hill
Meeting Point: 

Red Hill Reserve car park, off Lady Penryhn Drive, Beacon Hill. Another option is to ride over here from Oxford Falls.

-33.744534, 151.255780 (Red Hill Carpark)


fer's picture

Menai this arvo

Friday, 23 October, 2009 - 15:00
Ride Database Entry: 
Menai (Lucas Heights)
Meeting Point: 

By the sports field on Old Illawarra Road, Barden Ridge.

-34.037591,151.006672 (Old Illawarra Rd)

I am going there if anyone wants to join me give me a buzz. i may start a bit later than 3pm

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