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Rob's picture

German cyclist sets Australian crossing world record

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This is absolute insanity:

German cyclist Guido Kunze set a new world record after crossing southern Australia by bicycle, covering 4,200 kilometres in seven days, 19 hours and 5 minutes

There's more here:

So that's 4200km in near enough 187 hours. Including stops it's 22km/h average!

Brian's picture


Nothing to do with bikes but is anyone signed up for movember? Its probably the only time I have an excuse to grow a mo so here goes. Now what style should I go with Eye-wink

They call him Bruce.

If there are others, maybe an end of movember ride will be in order

FOB's picture

National park camping near Stromlo

Hi all,

Does anyone know of some good National park camp grounds near Stromlo ?

QuikStep's picture

More hate towards cyclists

Another ingorant rant from Miranda Divine in the SMH today aimed at cyclists
Sad to see one bad egg being used to portray all cyclists.

Scottboy's picture

Yeeee haaaa

Finally I getting a upgrade to a better bike , it is not new but it is used Trance x1 with all the horns & whistles

trenshaw's picture

Local authorities to "Stamp out the cyclist problem".

There has to be a good reason for this incident. I'm sure we don't know the full story. Outrageous that solution of local authorities is to install 61 no cycling signs opposed to investing in cycle infrastructure.,27574,26258174-421,00.html

Trev's picture

New bike 2

Picked up a Giant Reign 1 yesterday. My first duelly. was keen to ride this arvo. not too keen on the mud on the new bike though. I also wondered about the clear stickers that came with the bike.

chica's picture

Xmas present idea for the kids

i was down at the local book store the other day looking for some books for my nieces and nephew
and came across the following book, TooCool Rules - Sonic Mountain Bike. So for those that have young kids it might be a good stocking filler for Christmas.

Jee10's picture

Bicycle Sizing Tips " A must read"

Found this Bicycle Fitting website on a UK Bicycle Shop Site( note:I had to use Internet Explorer as Mozilla wasn't displaying correctly.

Anyone else had this type of fitting done? I think the Specialized version is called Silicion Fitting and slightly different to their BG Fitting Process.

Logan's picture


Hi All

Finally got the all clear following my back surgery and back from my holiday in the UK and I have my hard tail over here now as well.

I originally posted this:

Wondering if anyone is going to be riding on Saturday, I am keen to get out to some of the local trails in the area.

Best Mountain Bike