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It's On

shano's picture

Berowra Valley and Castle Hill (Fred Caterson Reserve)

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Saturday, 4 August, 2007 - 09:00

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

Ride Database Entry: 
Quarry Road Track (Berowra Valley)
Meeting Point: 


Big training ride epic...

Okay I know this sounds like a big ride...thats right its going to be 60km of joy!
After the Galston Gorge, we hit tar on Quarry Rd and head for Castle Hill via Round Corner on the Old North Rd, we get off at Gilbert Rd and take some parks, and backstreets to get to Fred Caterson Reserve.
There are some hidden gems of single tracks here, plus the trails within the reserve proper and the BMX track, which is always good for burning excess energy.

christine's picture

Nobettes Only Ride!!

Saturday, 11 August, 2007 - 08:30

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

Ride Database Entry: 
Terrey Hills / Duffys Forest
Meeting Point: 

Japanese School (corner Echunga/Booralie roads).

Show on Google maps: Meeting point. Login or register to get directions.

OK! The Inaugural Nobettes Ride!!!

This ride is for girls only - (Nobettes) It will be social and not too fast - Sam, I believe you have a potential Nobette at home...and Rob we know you do!!!

Sandy and Karen and Leisa are coming and hopefully Caro as well...

The aim is to have FUN

MEEE Smiling

ps no, even if you are a wussy girly boy, unless you have the correct body parts you do not classify as a nobette...

amaroo's picture

Terry Hills Social

Saturday, 28 July, 2007 - 07:30

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

Ride Database Entry: 
Terrey Hills / Duffys Forest

Social ride with a few friends to the Long Track lookout and back.

We will not be out to break the course record, however will keep up a decent pace.

Everyone welcome!

leximack's picture

Scott 24hr

Saturday, 13 October, 2007 - 12:00

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

Meeting Point: 

Stromlo Forest Park Canberra

leximack's picture

2007 Highland Fling

Sunday, 11 November, 2007 - 07:00

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

Ride Database Entry: 
Penrose State Forest
Ride Database Entry: 
Wingello State Forest
Meeting Point: 

Ferndale Oval Bundanoon

More details at

lorrie's picture

Terry Hills Night Ride

Wednesday, 25 July, 2007 - 19:11

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

Ride Database Entry: 
Terrey Hills / Duffys Forest
Meeting Point: 

Terry Hills Tavern car park

It's on!! Charge up those lights and strap on the warm gear!

It's time for another night ride. We will do either duck holes/centre track or perimeter/long trail. I sense that people may be getting tired of Terry Hills so we discus a new location for the following week. Bring a beer!

All are welcome


nukls's picture

Terrey Hills night ride

Thursday, 19 July, 2007 - 20:00

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

Ride Database Entry: 
Terrey Hills / Duffys Forest
Meeting Point: 

40 Tiarri Ave

Late notice, but a friend and I are doing Perimeter/Long track tonight. Anyone keen to join would be most welcome. Meeting at 40 Tiarri @8pm, or joining Perimeter at ?Kallaroo rd entrance. First time post...hope it works.

Rob's picture

Pre BBQ Ride

Sunday, 22 July, 2007 - 08:30

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

Ride Database Entry: 
Manly Dam

Given there's an 11am BBQ guess this is the official ride before hand.

Fancy blasting out a couple of laps? Depending on who shows perhaps we could have two quick laps and/or a Bantry Bay option?

Caro's picture

Kincumber ride Sunday the 15th

Sunday, 15 July, 2007 - 10:13

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

Ride Database Entry: 
Kincumber Reserve
Meeting Point: 

Kincumber Reserve

Alright! Mind is made up!!

Kincumber it is!

The "new track advisors" are telling me it has both nice XC and DH parts. For this ride I would like to do more of the XC and actually do some 'riding' Eye-wink.
Meaning yes we will do the DH jumps (or at least two of us and it's not me Smiling ) and tricks but won't spend much time on playing and picture taking at each spot.
(Of course only to have more time for lunch after Smiling

I hope that suits everyone.
Can't wait!!!


Rob's picture

Sloooow Terrey Hills

Saturday, 14 July, 2007 - 10:00

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

Ride Database Entry: 
Terrey Hills / Duffys Forest

Back to our roots we go. This is what it's all about. A social ride on the Northern Beaches.

No racing. No Technical stuff. No Speed freaks Eye-wink

Given the report of not too waterlogged trail a couple of us will be doing Terrey Hills slowly on Saturday. Even the start time is a sociable 10am.

Please 'star' below if you intend to come and say hello.

Best Mountain Bike