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mrptl's picture

55 Mph on a bicycle

Which is 88km/h… without a helmet!

Hans's picture

Close encounter of the (other) kind....

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Close encounter of the (other) kind... (Porsche drivers, you may not be getting any help in the future...)

Jeddz's picture

dedicated bike transporter

I need to get a bike up from Melbourne. What type or company have you used for transporting a bike?

AdrianG's picture

Trail etiquette: Who should give way on a (technical) hill?

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From what I've read (including on this site) ascending riders should give way to those coming down a trail/track. This seems counter-intuitive to me though, when one considers difficult climbs.

Here, the ascending rider is doing all the work, having to work at keeping a smooth rhythm, trying to stay on a decent line, dealing with loose stuff that can throw the bike, ...

The kind of climbing one finds on the Oaks, for example; steep, loose and bumpy. Where, if you stop for any reason, it's difficult to get going again.

Hans's picture

Nice track, two aggro kiwis... :-)

Disclaimer: I found all kiwi MTB'ers to be courteous on their amazing trails... these two must be the exception... Smiling

For a bit of Easter humour read this NZ MTB'er's post: "Assaulted On The Flying Nun, Christchurch"

Note: Read all the comments (page 3) on this NZ thread below to get the full picture...not just the short video Eye-wink

Q: After seeing the longer video: Was the rider up his rear too pushy or not?

hawkeye's picture

Near Miss Head-On Parriwi Road Mosman

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For those of you who commute by bike to work in the city, or use Parriwi Road to train on or access/return from Manly Dam, I have a favour to ask.


Jeddz's picture

Where to ride in the Warrumbungles

Heading up to the Warrumbungles near Coonabarabran at Easter and I am wondering if any of our group has experience riding up there. If so, let us know!'s picture

La Nina Over?

The BOM is saying that the La Nina event is over. The only catch is we will return to average rainfall which is pretty high in Sydney, and April is on average the wettest month of the year.

I don't know how anyone else has been but I've half considered just not riding until the weather clears up - it has been so de motivating with so many rides and races cancelled or postponed.

Cross our fingers and we may have plenty of clear crisp days in Autumn and Winter.

Fatboy's picture

Rider Down

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I cringe each time I see a thread here about a rider colliding with a car. This morning I went for a ride about 5:30 and early on while doing the back streets around Parramatta I arrived at the scene of a rider down at a roundabout. He had been hit in the middle of the roundabout and landed in the gutter about 15m away.

His name is Tom and he was heading to work at Homebush. While he was banged up pretty bad and appears to have lower back injuries amongst others he was in good spirits for someone bashed up. The Ambulance team were great. Good luck with your recovery Tom!

kitttheknightrider's picture

Thoughts and prayers

please for my step brother and his family who is currently in an induced comma in John Hunter Hospital following an accident on his Friday morning commute.

Best Mountain Bike