You are hereYellomundee Regional Park update for 05 Mar

Yellomundee Regional Park update for 05 Mar

Ray R's picture

By Ray R - Posted on 05 March 2012


Hi all - given that Yellomundee has had over 30mm of rain in the past week (on top of the 100s in the previous weeks), please consider YRP as closed until further notice.

WSMTB have not been able to get in and do any repair work - and therefore the areas that were roped off and closed off a few weeks ago remain that way. Unfortunately the source of fill was taken away bt RTA, and NPWS are reticent to allow any work while the Archaelogical Heritage Survey is being completed.

However, we will be preparing what tracks we can on Sunday 11 March from 9.30am to 12, followed by a BBQ put on by WSMTB. All welcome! We need people with whipper snippers and cutters. Contact me on [email protected] if you can come please.

Ray Rice

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