You are hereBantry Bay update for 26 Jun

Bantry Bay update for 26 Jun

MTB Guru's picture

By MTB Guru - Posted on 26 June 2017

Bantry Bay
Amber/Some Issues

Possums - Berms have dried up significantly and soil is in the perfect condition for grip on turns. Only some mud left but it can be avoided.

Mistress - Couldn't see a puddle in sight. Same soil conditions as Possums.

Daisy Duke - Fine down low but coming towards the top it got very muddy and slippery on the rocks where the waterfall flows. Had to ditch my bike on one of the rocks as water had caused lots of moss to grow on the rock from the rain last week. This track should be in good condition within the next few days if the rain holds off. Wouldn't recommend riding for a couple days cos it ruins the trail when its wet.

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