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Wallaby Track


Ride the Wallaby Track
Total distance: 90 km
Total time: 8-10 hours *

For fit and confident riders, the Wallaby Track can be done in one day. For a more leisurely approach, the track can be broken into four sections, as detailed below.

Mt Buninyong to Ballarat (20km)
Descending the road from Mt Buninyong don’t be fooled by the smoothness of the tarmac underneath you nor the ease of the descent itself. The Wallaby Track is the longest leg of your Goldfields Track adventure and will see you take on almost every type of mountain bike terrain imaginable. This section offers great family friendly riding into the centre of Ballarat.

Ballarat to Creswick (25km)
Bitumen soon gives way to dirt and gentle gradients soon give way to lung busting climbs as you head into the Dividing Range. Long sections of singletrack through open native forest have recently been upgraded by Dirt Art on the roll into and out of Creswick – it’s great riding and there are a few climbs to test the legs. Rest up and refuel in Creswick for the fun ahead.

Creswick to Wombat Station (29km)
Exiting the Creswick Regional Park there is some well-timed respite for weary legs as the Wallaby Track takes you along rolling roads, mostly bitumen, that afford beautiful views across the fertile lava fields. Back into the Wombat Forest it’s more great singletrack mixed in amongst fascinating gold rush relics and amazing engineering feats. Take a break at the Wombat Station rotunda, built on the grassy platform of a long gone railway station.

Wombat Station to Daylesford (19km)
The forest is greener in these higher parts and some stands of natives appear sky high. Try the waters at the Sailors Falls mineral springs, you may need the nourishment as there is still some serious climbing to be done. By the time you reach Daylesford you will know you’ve covered 90km.

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