You are hereRed Hill / Red Hill

Red Hill

At a Glance

Status: Unknown
Double Track:
2 for 3km (17%)
8 for 9.2km (52%)
Single Track - Enclosed:
5 for 5.1km (29%)
1 for 0.3km (2%)

Red Hill Gallery

Red Hill is super-tough and super-technical. Climbing Red Hill has reduced strong MTBers to tears.

Meeting Point: 

Red Hill Reserve car park, off Lady Penryhn Drive, Beacon Hill. Another option is to ride over here from Oxford Falls.

Show on Google maps: Meeting point. Login or register to get directions.
Full Description: 

Another labyrinthine area, Red Hill is for those looking for big drops, tough technical climbs and steep steps and roll offs.

Justin originally wrote that, "...this ride has more to do with mental toughness than fitness (because you will feel close to dead on most of it for most of the ride!!!)". I guess this is could be true, depending on how you enter, because you can park up near the top (the Reserve car park off Lady Penryhn Drive) or come over from Oxford Falls - and it's that second option that will have you gasping for air.


From Oxford Falls there are two ways across Wakehurst Parkway. The first is out of the East end of Deep Creek, turning left and past the Sydney Academy of Sport and Recreation. There are a couple of routes up into the Red Hill area from here but the climb is never easy. I'm not actually sure if this entrance method is sanctioned anyhow (does it cross private land?) so perhaps the better way is down Oxford Falls Road West (from Nursery Rhymes), turn left up Wakehurst Parkway and then cross and into 4WD Folly.

Alternatively, parking up at the Reserve saves you either of those monster climbs (well, unless you take a route down there).

Once in here, there are numerous trails to explore:

Main Trail

Wide open fire trail running North/South.

100 Metre Hill

What do you suppose this could be like? Rocky climb from near the bottom of 4WD Folly - say no more.

4WD Folly

Can you believe there have been vehicle tracks seen here all the way up to Steps and More? Guess that's where the name comes from - you'd have to be insane to drive in here! Not as steep as other options and can be quiet sandy up to that point. The steps are a top area for practicing technical skills but be carefull!

The Rest...

Erm... well, lots more fun, up/down/technical and otherwise - may write more when there's time, or post a comment with your views.

Facilities/Points of Interest

Just off Lady Penrhymn Drive. If the gate to the reserve car park is closed there is enough parking on the street. Please respect the local residents if that is the case.

Ride Profiles Here
Red Hill Technical
Red Hill Technical (8.28Km)

Small ride through Red Hill with lots of technical distractions along the way.

Past & Future Ride Meetings Here
Title When
Red hill 10 years 20 weeks ago
Holiday Monday social ride 10 years 21 weeks ago
Red Hill social explore 10 years 25 weeks ago
10 years 40 weeks ago
Red Hill Sampler 11 years 7 weeks ago

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