You are hereManly Dam update for 19 Apr

Manly Dam update for 19 Apr

matthew1's picture

By matthew1 - Posted on 19 April 2011

Manly Dam
Amber/Some Issues

Went there on sunday after it was said to be very wet, there were a few puddles drying up, but now should be dried fully up and am going again today

[Mod. changed to amber as if there are puddles this is hardly ideal]

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BigJosh's picture

I second that. I just went riding there yesterday and there were a few wet patches. Should be dry and ready to ride today.

pancakes's picture

Thanks for the update, that means I can hit it this arvo.

jedijunglesnow's picture

I'd still say Amber. There is no way in the world that it is completely dry today, which is what I believe green should indicate ( Rob, correct me if I'm wrong here).

BT's picture

..Why the OP "went there on sunday after it was said to be very wet" Puzzled

UberCarbon's picture

Did a lap at 3:30 and it's really wet, mucky, slippery and slimey in most places. If you are desperate, yeah, there are dry places, but I'll leave it a few more days to dry out...

willy101's picture

went today when i saw the amber and it was really wet and muddy. Lots of cleaning the bike after-i wont be going back for a couple more days

pancakes's picture

That's as wet as I've seen it. I started at the parkway entry and pulled the pin half way down to the creek. Just too muddy. Did a u-turn and rode back up (Apart from the opposite direction traffic that's a pretty good ride. Never done it backwards before).

The golf course track from the bowling club to the parkway is also very wet. Surprising as it normally drains pretty well.

Looks like it'll need a few more days to dry out.

hawkeye's picture

If it's just the Alambie fire road section that's got occasional puddles I wouldn't be too worried, as that runs along the bottom of a steep hill and it's... well, fire road. Energy Australia and ranger 4WD's do far more damage in a single passing than we could ever hope to do in a week of peak usage wet weather riding. And it tends to stay wet long afer the rest of the trail dries out.

But if it's muddy coming down from Wakehurst Parkway that's a strong clue the rest of the trail is not well and the singletrack is not in a condition to be ridden.

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