You are hereManly Dam update for 16 Jan

Manly Dam update for 16 Jan

MikeyS's picture

By MikeyS - Posted on 16 January 2012

Manly Dam

Overly wet, puddles everywhere in the singletrack following the golf course. The final section before the hydraulics laboratory is soaked. Im going to say its rideable but with the rain right now its not a smart move to go ahead. I don't think I've seen it in such a state in while, it was drier following the rain in winter

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hawkeye's picture

Still raining here now... at home with the dreaded lurgy Sad

After yesterday's deluge, not surprised by your comments.

jht013's picture

any update on the dam?

daveh's picture

I reckon it's worth a look as I live at Allambie and there doesn't seem to be much water coming out of the rocks or standing water. Be prepared to clean you bike afterwards but I wouldn't say that it's too wet to think about it.

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