You are hereKnapsack Reserve update for 08 Jul
Knapsack Reserve update for 08 Jul

NB: Originally posted elsewhere on the Global Riders Network and appears via syndication.
Knapsack Reserve
Green/Open There's a small tree down between Moore St and the Lower Barnett St gate(just near the timber bridge), otherwise all good.
Would be great to get back into those weeds behind the soccer fields.
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Council wants to do more of the Lantana... (just want to make sure its not using up our small trail budget).
It is very satisfying seeing such large amounts of it removed... be great to see it all gone.
Are we required to have council onsite if we arrange this?
At this stage yes, I guess because of possible dangers of chemicals and tools etc.
But I am not sure what budget this comes from. If people are keen we should just try and organise it as part of the bushcare maybe? Just see whether we can get a 4hr session organised sometime.
I will ask them.
@moggio Try to arrange weed control via Council's Bushcare program, but understand you may not always end up working exactly where riders want or think they should. It's important to follow a bigger picture site strategy too. This will conserve your "trail budget" as much as possible, and possibly gain additional support via grant funds for vegetation management (normally devolved via organisations like Hawkesbury Nepean Catchment Management Authority HNCMA). Council also has paid bush regenerators who may be able to help, again this should not come out of any allocated trail budget.
The bottom line with weed control though is don't clear too much too fast, or you end up just weed something else.
Their website lists Knapsack Creek Bushcare Group as "currently in recces" - you might know more? I'm a member of a Springwood Bushcare Group and will ask our Council Bushcare Officer at our next meeting. Our group meets once a month and about 4 - 8 local residents come along for 3 hours, its amazing how much you achieve with regular workdays.
@Dagashi Riders can't really work without supervision because of the issues Moggio outlined, but also it would breach their insurance policy, which requires supervision. It would mean someone from BMORC would have to accept liability for any injury or accident to a participant or member of the public during a work session.
Additionally, BMCC would want to ensure the most effective site strategy is being deployed at all times.