You are hereManly Dam update for 09 Sep
Manly Dam update for 09 Sep

Manly Dam
Green/Open 9/9/12 - Track conditions nice today, and beautiful day for a ride.
Peacfully riding up gibbs st by myself after the crowds dispersed, then WHACK! WTF?? a handful of blood from a gouge on my nose. Can you guess who did that?
(Sorry already posted as a comment before i realised how to update status)
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I kept an eye out but he must have been exhausted from dive-bombing all the Trek riders on the demo ride this morning.
Thanks guys
This should become the Gibbs st swwoper update. LOL
I rode up Gibbs St at about 10:00am and the swooper got me on the nose too.
I got swooped at 1030am yesterday and a mate at 2pm. Both of us received nice cuts on our noses.
After almost burping my front tyre off coming down through 19th Hole I was a bit late, probably closer to 1pm.
Maybe he was on his lunch break?
I've found waving your arms like a maniac above your head works to deter the butcher. I did two laps on Friday and two laps this morning and escaped unharmed all 4 times. One time he came close but my hand got him before it got me.
Oh and the track is great condition, thanks for those who fixed up the quagmire over the weekend. I'll try and make it for the next trail fix day.
Have been carrying and waving a stick but got nailed this morning! Have now surrended and going via Seebrees St. N.B. have set up a hash tag (#Gibbsstbutcher) on twitter for a laugh and tweeting to council
. Please join in!
Had a great ride around the dam at about 1230 today. Conditions are excellent. Coming up to the Gibbs Street intersection I had to slow down for a van coming up Gibbs Street then bam! Perfect hit to my nose including drawing blood. Be prepared!
Hey Nathan... I was that rider on your 3rd lap. LOL
Nathan had a damaged nose when I looked over. got nailed on his 1st lap.
let hoock up & show you the way to the Cascades & Terry Hills
I'm calling him/her Jerry. As I started up the hill on Gibbs St it came at me out of the sun in my 2 o'clock like a Messerschmitt and bam! right into the schnoz. Thought I may get off with some professional courtesy as our beaks are of similar proportion but I guess not.
It was a hard enough hit, but fortunately no blood. I think it's warning system was screaming "OBSTACLE OBSTACLE PULL UP PULL UP!" once it got close.
There's never a Black Flash around when you need one....
I did two laps this afternoon and didn't see him/her. Is it normally near the corner of Arana and Gibb St?
When possible I try to time my passing by with the school letting out. I figure with so many targets "Jerry" would be either too tired, or it would at least lower the odds against me!
I was a bit earlier today, but luckily enough I saw no sign of it.
Although this was last Saturday.
I have a grudging respect for these things, it happens so fast and with such accuracy it's a lucky thing for us it's just our nose Jerry goes for and not our eyes!
I'll give "Gerry" every opportunity to bring his "a" game tomorrow morning...
See if this damn paint job on my back by giantnut works in his and others favour.
I concur. Have to admire the little bugger.
But perhaps that's because there were two of us?
Silly bloody cable ties, they don't work with the Babbage Road bird. I put some on yesterday and he had 3 goes at me when previously been swooping once!
So is the one on Sloane Crescent Manly Vale between Millers Reserve and David Thomas.
Photo disappeared?