You are hereManly Dam update for 27 Sep

Manly Dam update for 27 Sep

chicken wings's picture

By chicken wings - Posted on 27 September 2012

Manly Dam

Rode a lap this morning and the track is in great condition.
However the Gibbs street butcher did swoop, only aborting his attack by my fortuitous sip and then holding my water bottle in front of my face. He was not deterred by a medium sized, noisy as all get out, tradesman's truck passing me at the same time! 2 weeks ago he drew blood from my nose so I'm calling it 1-all at this stage. To be continued...

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xmas's picture

And agree track is in good nick although the boulders/stones on second ledge up to WP were dislodged - not sure whether that was an accident or deliberate? I confess to putting them back and then doing the step up twice.. Probably my favourite part of the course Smiling

Also a fair bit of clearing/tree removal has happened since Sunday around where the volunteers have put in the track over the swamp. Anyone explain what has been going on?

cambowambo's picture

I also did a lap Today and I noticed a number of rocks in inappropriate places, and some others missing, which gave me the general impression that somebody has been up to mischief - in the trying to cause a crash sense - but then I felt guilty for imagining somebody would do things like that on purpose so I just kept on riding.

Got swooped but no blood loss Smiling

I think the undergrowth clearing before the Monserra Quagmire (and new causeway-in-progress) is probably bushfire hazard reduction for those houses above the track.

hawkeye's picture

The clearing is new to me. I'm at home today, so I might take a look later.

The bush regen group is active around that area, so it may have been them.

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