You are hereAwaba State Forest update for 18 Aug
Awaba State Forest update for 18 Aug

Awaba State Forest
Green/Open track was dry & dusty today trail fairies were out doing an awesome job repairing bridge & trail @ top of camel back climb,which was great, gave me a chance to rest on my 5x red loop epic.
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I'm a bit new to the mountain bike riding,and have only found this site, I'm having a go at anything.
I was wondering if anyone could give me an idea on how this track is- as in for a new starter, or is it more for the full on riders. some tracks i have been to have tracks to go around the(steep jumps, rocks, steep ramps etc) working my way up for that haha
There are 3 tracks of varying length & difficulty. They all start off as the same track but then have diversions. The yellow track i guess would be about 5km long, blue around 7-8 km & red about 11km. yellow would be easiest.
Perhaps some kind sole could update the trails DB page: Awaba State Forest?
It's like a Wiki... anyone can edit to keep up to date.
Thanks heaps for that. Much appreciated.
Look forward to having a crack at it Monday.
I'm guessing there would be signs to keep you to the
Track you want??
Yep.Im sure you'll enjoy it
Awaba very well set up with signage (and the trails themselves of course). Enjoy.
Awesome looking forward to it. Thanks heaps for the replies.