You are hereBooralie Trail
Booralie Trail
No Altitude
Dead end to the South by the Waratah Park fence.
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0m Tags
145 & 147 Booralie Rd have placed private property signs at the Booralie Rd entrance, plus private property signs & gates exist at all the exits further South. The trail terminates at a 3m high electrified fence surrounding Waratah Park.
Rough & overgrown, doesn't look like trail is in use.
Trail is for use by Rural Fire Service only.
Refer to discussion
See map:
I used to use the track from the Waratah Park entrance through to the end of Booralie as part of a mega loop around Duffy's Forest / Terry Hills. However, it was never much fun climbing out from the creek to the end of Booralie Rd (even before the private property signs went up), so these days I turn right onto Killawarra at the end of the concrete hill on Sandy Trail and then turn left at the end of Killawarra and follow the horse trail through to the intersection of Booralie / Thuddungra (there are a couple of exit points). Then ride out to the end of Booralie and turn right up the fire trail.
I think the horse trail is on Crown Land, but there are no signs indicating ownership or use restrictions.
Killawarra Rd to Thuddungra Rd "horse" trail is ok to use as is the unbuilt Weemala Rd.
Until that is, they build more houses & traffic starts screaming down the tarmac.
Thanks Lach for the alternate route advice, was finding the Perimeter & Long trail a bit short a ride.