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5 blown lungs
Bungleboori to Capertee
Great ride across Newnes state forest and Gardens of Stone NP
This ride does cross Private property and permission needs to be sort from the owners of Pantoney Station.
We utilised a big car shuttle startin gat the Bungleboori picnic ground and finishing at the Capertee servo on the Mudgee rd, however Dave Noble lists it as an over night loop ride starting at Lithgow and camping near Capertee.
Pretty mush the whole ride is on fire rds but there a some very fun section and a plethora of spectacular views.
Lithgow, Newnes Forest, Wolgan round trip
Lithgow to Wolgan Valley via coach rd return.
Nice ride with awesome views.
could be extended by going all the way down to Newnes or coming back over Balckfellows hands rd.
As a couple in the group had never been to the Glow Worm tunnels we missed the start of the Coach rd and made a side trip down to the tunnel.
Technically you have to walk your bike between the Tunnel car park and the tunnel.