You are hereGlenrock State Conservation Area / Status History
Status History
Age | Notes | ||
Green |
3 years |
Drying out now |
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Amber |
3 years |
Been pretty wet over the last few days. Maybe dryer weather coming. |
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Amber |
3 years |
Eastcoast Mountain Trails doing work on Kenny's Trail - Detour in place |
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Amber |
3 years |
Been raining a lot in the last few days and gotten to the stage where it's definitely too wet to ride on the single-track. Management trails could be OK if you really have to get out. |
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Amber |
3 years |
We've had a lot of rain in the last couple of days and more last night. |
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Amber |
3 years |
Conditions looking really good ATM Just remember to please comply to government and NPWS restrictions |
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Amber |
3 years |
Been running good but very wet today - still raining. |
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Green |
3 years |
Conditions much better on Sunday and dry forecast for a few days should see it good this week. |
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Amber |
3 years |
More rain overnight, with conditions the way they are recently and the ground already wet, trails will be too wet to ride this morning - especially the new work area on Kenny's, sadly, but it... |
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Amber |
3 years |
More rain this morning and things are looking pretty wet all-round on the single-track. |
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Green |
3 years |
Conditions all good ATM. Please note a couple of trail sections still closed for upgrade works - Seismick and last third of Kennys Signs, bunting and detours in place please... |
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Green |
3 years |
Conditions very good ATM Please note - The East Coast Mountain Trails guys have started work on Kennys Trail today. They are working on the section from the Scenic Drv powerline... |
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Green |
3 years |
Conditions all really good ATM Please Note - The Dirt Art guys have started work on Seismick now so the trial will be closed for about 2 weeks. Please remember that even if it looks like... |
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Green |
3 years |
Bit of rain this afternoon should leave trails all good tomorrow. Just a reminder that the Rocky Trail The Shimano MTB GP is on tomorrow - Might be busy on some trails. |
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Green |
3 years |
All good ATM |
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Amber |
3 years |
Latest from the NPWS - The status of the mountain bike trail network in Glenrock has changed from a partial closure to a safety alert: Mountain bike riders are advised the single-... |
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Amber |
3 years |
OK, so it’s official, some of the singletrack will be open for riding tomorrow along with all management trails. |
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Amber |
3 years |
The NPWS have updated their Local Alert for Glenrock trails - Looks like we'll get some singletrack access for tomorrow - Weather Permitting Management trails remain open to ride ATM ... |
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Red |
3 years |
The NPWS have closed the singletrack MTB trails for now. ... |
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Amber |
4 years |
Great to see the sun out this morning - I know it will be obvious to people that take the time to read this - but it's not dry enough to ride yet. |
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Amber |
4 years |
Oh man - it's next level wet now. If ever the park should be closed to everyone it's now - even running or walking will cause damage. |
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Amber |
4 years |
It's raining heavy here now, on top of already damp ground. Trails are getting very wet very quickly. Will need some time to dry out when it stops. Fire-trails and gravel are good if you need to... |
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Green |
4 years |
Best it's been for awhile the last couple of days, lets hope it lasts |
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Amber |
4 years |
It's pretty wet here again this morning, the rain never seems to stop long enough for it to totally dry out. |
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Amber |
4 years |
Looking mostly dry and good but I haven't been all round yet - anyone got a better report? |
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Amber |
4 years |
It's been pretty wet this week, couldn't call it good ATM |
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Green |
4 years |
Almost perfect ATM. Odd damp patches but not enough to worry. |
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Amber |
4 years |
Trails are very wet this morning and continue to get wetter. |
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Green |
4 years |
Very good condition all round. |
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Green |
4 years |
Good conditions ATM, not too hot just yet |
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Green |
4 years |
Things were dry pretty well yesterday. I'm out of action myself so haven't been all round but word is that conditions are good today. |
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Amber |
4 years |
It's wet now. I'm still out of action with my busted shoulder but I've been out meeting with the National Parks guys and the rain has just been increasing all day to a real heavy downpour now.... |
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Green |
4 years |
Finally much better all round now |
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Amber |
4 years |
Gradually getting wetter here now - with rain forecast to continue |
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Green |
4 years |
Good drying weather has left things much better today. Probably as good as it gets for now with rain forecast for the weekend. |
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Amber |
4 years |
Fair bit of rain here overnight has left the trails a bit wet all round. Nobbys reported 18mm so might take some time to dry out, esp with current dreary weather. |
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Green |
4 years |
Conditions are all good ATM. Just a heads-up for people wanting to ride this Saturday Oct. 10. The Rocky Trail Shimano MTB Grand Prix event is on, official run time is from 9am to 4pm.... |
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Green |
4 years |
Much better drying weather today and from what I've seen should be good all round. |
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Amber |
4 years |
I've been holding off this morning but another shower just passed through and things are slowly getting wetter - not looking good for riding this arv. |
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Green |
4 years |
Conditions were mostly good this arv. just a light shower forecast for overnight should see tomorrow really good. |
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Amber |
4 years |
6 mil of rain already this arv. It's wet. |
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Green |
4 years |
Good conditions all 'round at the moment - good to see for a change. |
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Green |
4 years |
Great drying weather today and as good as it gets from recent conditions. |
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Amber |
4 years |
A break in the weather this morning and the forecast is looking better but trails are still very wet all round. Will still take some time to dry out. |
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Green |
4 years |
Reports from today are that the singletrack is dry enough to ride with just the usual few wet areas. |
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Amber |
4 years |
Sun's out, everything is still wet. We just had the most rain in a period for the last 5 years. |
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Amber |
4 years |
It's wet this morning, slowly increasing to steady rain since yesterday arv. |
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Green |
4 years |
Pretty good conditions all 'round now. Just the occasional puddle in the normally wet areas. |
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Amber |
4 years |
Very wet this morning and still raining, the ground is becoming saturated. Trails will take longer than usual to dry out after the rain stops this time. |
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Amber |
4 years |
Things are a bit wet this morning BOM reports 9 mm of rain overnight we got at least that much. |
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Green |
4 years |
Weather has been much better than the forecast with just very light rain overnight. Should be good during the day. |
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Amber |
4 years |
Bit wet this morning and getting wetter - don't really expect conditions to get any better for the next couple of days. |
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Green |
4 years |
Good conditions all round ATM |
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Amber |
4 years |
We had a bit of rain overnight and things are wet in places this morning - conditions should be better later on in the day, the forecast is looking pretty good. |
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Green |
4 years |
Good weather and mostly good trail conditions ATM |
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Amber |
4 years |
Rain showers and more on the way, crap day - I had a ride planned for this arv... |
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Green |
4 years |
Reports are that the trails are mostly good except for Bailey's Paddock bog. |
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Amber |
4 years |
Trails had barely dried out from last weeks wet weather and we have had more rail yesterday and last night. Please stay off the singletrack 'til they've had a chance to dry out. Hopefully the... |
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Amber |
4 years |
We had about 10mm of rain overnight, quite a bit of water laying around this morning. |
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Green |
4 years |
We had a good drying day today and although I didn't get a chance to check it all out I'm calling it as good enough now. |
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Amber |
4 years |
Shit drizzley rain all arv has left things a bit wet. |
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Green |
4 years |
Didn't get a chance to check all 'round myself but reports are all good. |
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Amber |
4 years |
Pissing down here now and forecast isn't good |
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Green |
4 years |
Really good this arv. drying wind has been doing the job and left us with close to hero dirt. |
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Amber |
4 years |
Rain has been pretty heavy here this morning and trails are now wet. |
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Green |
4 years |
Full 24 hours without rain now and conditions should be good today. |
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Amber |
4 years |
Things are a bit wet this morning, we definitely had more rain overnight than the 2 mm Nobbys reported. |
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Green |
4 years |
No rain for over 24 hours now, things are looking good. |
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Amber |
4 years |
Been trying to ignore the showers yesterday but we had a lot of rain overnight. |
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Green |
4 years |
Nice and dry now. |
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Amber |
4 years |
Raining heavily now and the forecast is for it to continue at least today. |
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Green |
4 years |
All good, no rain for more than 24 |
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Amber |
4 years |
Glenrock is officially wet now, was hoping it would ease but no, rain is continuing. |
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Green |
4 years |
Fantastic weather and trails all good. |
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Amber |
4 years |
More rain here this morning following on from a bit yesterday means conditions are a bit wet for riding. |
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Green |
4 years |
Mostly good now, some areas have been holding moisture and had a bit of damage but drying now. |
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Amber |
4 years |
Things are a bit wet this morning, looks like more than the 4.2 mm reported. Forecast for more rain later. Conditions aren't looking too good for riding. Maybe be prepared to ride the management... |
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Green |
4 years |
A lot dryer and pretty good all round now. |
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Amber |
5 years |
Been 24 hours since any real rain but it has been very wet. |
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Red |
5 years |
We had a lot of heavy rain overnight, BoM reporting nearly 70 mil's at Nobbys. |
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Green |
5 years |
Conditions really good so far this week, no substantial rain here. |
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Amber |
5 years |
Pretty heavy rain overnight, things are still wet this morning. |
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Amber |
5 years |
Very heavy downpour yesterday afternoon and rain continuing overnight has left conditions pretty bad for riding today. |
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Green |
5 years |
Good all round ATM. |
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Amber |
5 years |
Quite a bit of rain here today and still wet all round, needs some time to dry. |
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Green |
5 years |
No Rain through the day, Saturday morning is looking pretty good. |
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Amber |
5 years |
Glenrock trails are wet this morning and rain may continue over the weekend. Please try to 'Ride Dirt Not Mud'. |
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Green |
5 years |
Warning only now for the fire area now, caution for anything still burning and unstable trees. |
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Amber |
5 years |
Just now - Partially Open - Also Partially Closed ... |
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Red |
5 years |
Glenrock is closed 'til further notice, bushfire near Grasstree trail. Please see NPWS website or 'Fires Near Me' for details. |
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Amber |
5 years |
Glenrock is too wet to ride this morning. Best leave the rain to do it's magic. |
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Green |
5 years |
No rain here since yesterday and conditions should be good all round |
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Amber |
5 years |
An awesome thing is happening today at Glenrock - It is raining! Only fairly lightly ATM but it's adding up. |
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Green |
5 years |
I was told that Glenrock would re-open tomorrow but NPWS website now says it's already open - ... |
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Red |
5 years |
Message from the NPWS. They are taking this very seriously, I've never seen a closure like this before - All NPWS reserves north of Sydney, including Glenrock SCA, will be closed... |
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Green |
5 years |
Drying quickly. |
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Amber |
5 years |
Good amount of much needed rain overnight, about 17 mil. Might need a bit of time to dry out although with current conditions it shouldn't take too long. |
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Green |
5 years |
It's all good now, bit too dry if anything. |
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Amber |
5 years |
Conditions all good - Just a warning from the NPWS; "There has been a small fire as a result of powerlines on the easement off the scout camp road There is fire and rescue hazard tape up... |
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Green |
5 years |
Looking a lot better now, although I haven't been all round. |
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Amber |
5 years |
About 30 mil of rain in the last two days now, trails won't be good as soon as it stops. We need a bit of drying time. |
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Green |
5 years |
Was all good Sunday arv with just a few damp areas, no problems. |
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Amber |
5 years |
Good drying this arv and no rain in the forecast. |
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Red |
5 years |
Heavy rain showers here mid-morning means the trails need a rest for a while. |
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Green |
5 years |
Just a couple of showers over the last two days has left conditions pretty good for the school hols. Nice |
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Green |
5 years |
All reports are saying good to go, hope the weather stays that way for the weekend. |
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Amber |
5 years |
Conditions are looking much better, with good drying weather ATM If this keeps up we'll be all good for the weekend - hoping. |
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Green |
5 years |
Pretty well dry all over, maybe a couple of small puddles but we'd have to call it green now. |
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Amber |
5 years |
A really good day of drying weather and the trails are starting to dry nicely this arv, now it all depends on the weather overnight. There’s a bit of rain forecast but at this stage it doesn’t... |
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Red |
5 years |
Heavy rain here now, no good at all for riding. |
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Amber |
5 years |
With no rain all day and good drying weather the trails might be worth a look this arv. I'm not around so please post up a report if you have a look. |
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Red |
5 years |
Yes it's raining. For people not close enough to check it out it is definitely too wet to ride. |
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Green |
5 years |
Pre P 2 P ride, all good and checked out the excellent work going up the top of Snakes & Ladders. Nice work GTA... ![]() |
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Green |
5 years |
Successful build day today. Great drying weather means the trails are looking pretty good this arv. |
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Red |
5 years |
Too wet to ride today. Build day will be on. |
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Green |
5 years |
All dry and good, just be aware of the running event within the park tomorrow (Sun 28 April) |
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Green |
5 years |
With dryer weather conditions are much better this arv. |
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Amber |
5 years |
Lot of rain yesterday arv and overnight, it's still wet this morning. |
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Green |
5 years |
All good this arv. |
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Amber |
5 years |
Some pretty heavy showers through the middle of the day mean it's still wet on the trails. |
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Green |
5 years |
Had a few mil's of rain here just after 7, has left things a bit wet but a fair chance to dry out during the day. I'll check later or anyone can put up a report, please. |
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Green |
5 years |
Pretty good conditions all round this morning, maybe some wet patches lower down but we'd have to call it green. Unfortunately more rain forecast later today. |
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Amber |
5 years |
No rain all afternoon and the forecast is looking good. Most of the trails should be good to ride sometime tomorrow, probably later the better. |
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Red |
5 years |
Still rain here this arv. definitely too wet to ride. Hope for clearing tomorrow. |
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Green |
5 years |
Perfect this arv. well about 3 puddles anyway. |
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Amber |
6 years |
No rain and really good drying conditions overnight means there's every chance for good riding today. Please report if you have a look. |
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Red |
6 years |
This mornings rain never stopped, ended up with over 30mm of rain so not good for riding today. |
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Amber |
6 years |
Pissing down this morning and not looking like stopping 'til this arv. |
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Green |
6 years |
Circumnavigation of Glenrock this arvo, generally pretty dry. Although this may change this evening with a line of storms heading this way...…. |
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Green |
6 years |
Just got back from a check and things are looking really good now - get out before it rains again! |
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Amber |
6 years |
Really good drying weather this arv. Did anyone have a closer look? Things around the top area are looking a lot better, hopefully a dry night will see it all good tomorrow. |
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Red |
6 years |
Heaps of rain here overnight, more than 20 mils and it's only just stopped. Riding now will cause damage to the trails - please spread the word, people were still riding yesterday arv and yes... |
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Amber |
6 years |
A lot of rain here this morning, BOM reporting over 9 mil. Riding conditions won't be good. Anyone, please post up if you have a look through the day. |
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Green |
6 years |
Best day of the year so far |
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Amber |
6 years |
More than 7 mil of rain overnight and things are a bit wet but seem to be drying quickly. I haven't been all round so anyone could please update if they look. |
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Green |
6 years |
Drying out really well this arv from what I've seen. |
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Amber |
6 years |
Quite heavy rain this morning has left things to wet to ride ATM. More showers forecast through the day so have to wait and see which way it goes. |
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Amber |
6 years |
Quite heavy rain this morning has left things to wet to ride ATM. More showers forecast through the day so have to wait and see which way it goes. |
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Green |
6 years |
Great drying weather all day so looking good this arv. Can only hope the weather holds |
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Amber |
6 years |
Things are a bit too wet for riding this morning, rain is forecast to ease so it may get better later today. |
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Green |
6 years |
Good riding conditions today, Tue 19 Feb, but please be aware that Seismick trail will be closed today 'til about 3pm for weed spraying. We're hoping to prevent the trail becoming a weed jungle... |
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Green |
6 years |
All riding good, maybe just a bit dry ATM. |
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Green |
6 years |
All good all round ATM. |
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Green |
6 years |
Definitely green today and forecast is looking good |
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Amber |
6 years |
Great drying weather this arv means things looking a lot better for green in the morning. |
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Red |
6 years |
We only had about 6mm of rain overnight and things were drying out slowly this morning but now this ridiculous drizzle is taking it's toll. |
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Green |
6 years |
No rain at all since yesterday morning, I haven't had a chance to look but conditions should be pretty close to good by now. |
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Red |
6 years |
We had a fair bit of rain overnight, too wet to ride this morning. Hope for some dryer weather today. Please post up on conditions if you go for a look. |
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Green |
6 years |
Conditions all good. |
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Green |
6 years |
Haven't been able to check this first hand but going on local conditions this morning I'd say it'll be all good. |
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Amber |
6 years |
Drying out nicely this arv with the sun and wind, maybe a few spots need to tread lightly. |
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Red |
6 years |
Enough is enough, it really is (fairly obviously) too wet to ride now. |
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Green |
6 years |
All good. |
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Amber |
6 years |
With good drying conditions and no rain all day we're a chance for OK riding in the morning as long as it doesn't rain again. |
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Red |
6 years |
Got a lot of rain overnight, conditions aren't good for riding ATM. See how things go for drying out through the day. |
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Green |
6 years |
Looking really good today, maybe just a couple of minor puddles. |
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Green |
6 years |
Just a few small puddles this afternoon, best it's been for weeks. |
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Amber |
6 years |
The driest it's been for a week this morning, although not completely dry yet. I'll have a better look soon and post up a report. Just hoping the weather holds now - it's a bit 50-50 in the... |
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Red |
6 years |
Getting really wet now and more rain forecast -Blaaah! |
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Amber |
6 years |
Conditions are a bit dryer this morning but still damp with some puddles. |
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Red |
6 years |
More rain overnight has blown it and the forecast isn't good. |
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Green |
6 years |
Great drying weather today and things are looking good for the weekend |
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Amber |
6 years |
Things are drying pretty well and should be OK to ride this arv. There's just a few puddles around. If people have a chance to stop and drain them that should speed up the drying... |
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Red |
6 years |
Still raining this arv. It's just too wet to ride the singletrack. |
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Amber |
6 years |
No rain for 24 hours and good drying weather, things must be getting better. Haven't got time to look right now but will check later with a better update. Could anyone who has a look please put... |
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Red |
6 years |
25mm of rain so far overnight and this morning. Too wet to ride just now. Will see how things go for drying out now it's stopped. |
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Green |
6 years |
Just a couple of puddles that will be gone by this arv. Looking good. |
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Amber |
6 years |
Looking a lot better now with excellent drying weather |
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Red |
6 years |
Potentially drying out this morning, probably still wet in places so please 'tread lightly' |
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Red |
6 years |
Raining quite heavily at times this arv it's definitely too wet to ride. |
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Amber |
6 years |
Drying really quickly this arv. with just a few puddles. Now it all depends if the forecast weather turns up tonight. |
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Red |
6 years |
We just hit 50 mm of rain since yesterday so riding is out for the meantime. It's anyone's guess how long this will last but I'll be keeping an eye on conditions and update then. If anyone has a... |
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Amber |
6 years |
12mm of rain just this arv. cold overnight and the forecast isn't good. Riding conditions won't be good tomorrow. We will need dry weather before that improves. |
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Green |
6 years |
Conditions have been really good and the light rain this-arv should only make things better. So long as we don't get too much. |
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Amber |
6 years |
Fair amount of rain overnight on really dusty trails has left things a bit muddy this morning. Could do with some drying time before riding. See how todays weather pans out. |
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Amber |
6 years |
Fair amount of rain overnight on really dusty trails has left things a bit muddy this morning. Could do with some drying time before riding. See how todays weather pans out. |
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Green |
6 years |
Dusty and loose, noticed a new little trail out of six shooter. Is that to get the young tackers out of going round and round and exploring single track further a field? |
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Green |
6 years |
All good, getting a bit on the dry side. |
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Green |
6 years |
Close enough to Green for the weekend - at last! |
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Amber |
6 years |
Reports are that the upper trails around Gun Club Rd. Snakes & Ladders and first half of Kenny's are drying out pretty well but from Baileys Paddock on, not so good. Shaft and even parts of... |
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Red |
6 years |
More heavy rain this morning on top of already damp conditions, hasn't even begun to dry out. |
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Red |
6 years |
Heavy rain this arv on top of the still damp conditions. It'll be red til we get some good drying weather. |
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Amber |
6 years |
Hey we're Amber for real this time, things are looking a lot better today. Although I didn't look at Shaft which was crap 2 days ago. Has anyone had a look? |
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Red |
6 years |
It's Raining and doesn't look like stopping - 6 mm already this morning arrrrg! |
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Green |
6 years |
There are still some wet areas around, mostly lower down, but the majority is OK. |
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Green |
6 years |
There are still some wet areas around, mostly lower down, but the majority is OK. |
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Amber |
6 years |
A lot better today and probably Green tomorrow. Most of the upper trails are good but down lower around Treatment Works still real wet. |
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Red |
6 years |
More and more rain. |
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Amber |
6 years |
Skills area (six-shooters, Pump Action) is relatively dry, with the exception of some puddles at the end of six-shooter. Kenny's, High roller and Dr Seus are very muddy in some bits. BJ's is... |
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Red |
6 years |
42mm of rain overnight, it's way too wet to ride this morning. |
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Green |
6 years |
All good, bit of rain earlier in the week did it good. |
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Green |
6 years |
Great drying weather yesterday arv has left conditions good today. |
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Amber |
6 years |
5 mm of rain this morning and still a bit more coming. Please post... |
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Green |
6 years |
Conditions incredibly better than yesterday thanks to great drying weather. There may still be few wet patches but not enough to cause issues. |
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Red |
6 years |
More than 20mm of rain overnight and this morning on an already wet base means the trails need a break and some good drying weather before they're OK to ride. Please post up on conditions if you... |
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Amber |
6 years |
More rain and things aren't looking good fro tomorrow. |
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Green |
6 years |
A few puddles around Kenny's and twisties, but generally pretty good after the storm last night. |
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Green |
6 years |
Great conditions except for the mozzies... |
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Green |
7 years |
Did a north of the lagoon circuit, the rain has improved the dust situation and the easter bunny has been out and de=bermed some puddles around the shaft... |
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Green |
7 years |
Looking Good! |
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Amber |
7 years |
Things are looking really goo this arv, just a few puddles hanging in there. If we don't get any more rain it will be Green tomorrow and probably awesome - I was sick of the loose dirt and dust... |
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Red |
7 years |
Much needed rain has arrived this morning but after such dry and dusty conditions has made mud in many areas. |
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Green |
7 years |
circumnavigated glenrock this arvo, a few dusty loose corners, but overall good conditions.... |
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Green |
7 years |
Things are looking really good, just a few puddles but otherwise great riding. Get out there! |
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Red |
7 years |
Heavy rain yesterday evening and overnight has left the trails too wet to ride. Not riding while the trails are wet will reduce the dry-out time and damage to the trails. Please add... |
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Green |
7 years |
All good if you can handle the heat. everyone, please feel free to post updates at any time. |
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Green |
7 years |
All good out the right now. Thought with the recent rain it might have a few puddles but nope. |
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Green |
7 years |
All good, a bit of recent rain has dampened the dust |
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Green |
7 years |
Good and dry this arv, forecast for rain keeps getting pushed back, make the most of it. |
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Amber |
7 years |
Some rain overnight has left a bit of water laying around this morning. |
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Green |
7 years |
Got through the day with no rain, good drying weather and a good forecast - Got to be Green! |
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Amber |
7 years |
Really good drying weather through yesterday afternoon and overnight, here's hoping for a dry day. Probably be some puddles around early so at this stage - the later the better. |
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Red |
7 years |
Really wet overnight and this morning - will take longer to dry out now as the ground is holding more moisture. Please post up if you have a look. |
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Amber |
7 years |
Mostly dry this arv. Hoping for better conditions in the morning. Please post up if you check it. |
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Red |
7 years |
More rain this morning - looking very wet. Pl;ease post up if you check it out. |
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Amber |
7 years |
Hoping for no rain overnight - everything has been drying quickly recently. Please post up if check i n the morning. |
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Red |
7 years |
Wetter than expected overnight - needs a rest this morning at least. |
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Green |
7 years |
Sunday came and there was no rain - looking good! |
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Amber |
7 years |
From all reports drying out fairly well but still some large puddles. |
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Red |
7 years |
Let's just just say hail isn't the best riding conditions. Depending on tomorrows weather the trails will need a rest at least in the morning. If anyone has a look please post a... |
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Green |
7 years |
Great drying weather today means conditions are now really good. |
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Amber |
7 years |
Pretty heavy rain overnight means conditions aren't great early. |
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Green |
7 years |
Looking good locally and so are all reports of the trails should be great riding without so much dust... |
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Amber |
7 years |
Thanks to all the people who gave it a rest today. Just been for a walk and great drying weather plus thirsty ground has meant the trails are drying really quickly - it's very nearly Green... |
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Red |
7 years |
Very much needed rain overnight and still going has left it too wet to ride ATM. ... |
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Green |
7 years |
Great this arvo, dried out nice. |
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Red |
7 years |
Too wet to ride this morning but with good drying weather could be alright by this afternoon |
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Green |
7 years |
Still all good after the longest dry spell in recorded history. |
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Green |
7 years |
As expected not enough rain to cause any problems and drying nicely. |
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Amber |
7 years |
Some much needed rain yesterday and overnight has left Glenrock a little wet in places. |
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Green |
7 years |
The NPWS have officially opened all trails around the hazard reduction burn area now so all good to go |
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Amber |
7 years |
Hazard reduction burn happening today around De Luge, Grasstree and the Fernleigh Track. As previously advised. Conditions aren't great so please be careful around that area. Otherwise... |
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Green |
7 years |
Dry and dusty! |
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Green |
7 years |
Late Sunday arvo rides used to be a lonely affair... Not anymore and why not with such a bonza day there was some traffic. Conditions are generally good with some puddles and ground... |
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Green |
7 years |
Did a lap this arvo, the tracks are all good. |
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Green |
7 years |
Looking good now. Only the occasional puddle. |
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Amber |
7 years |
Great drying weather means the trails are at least Amber Status today. Please try to tread lightly. There will be some puddles around- if you don't have time to stop and drain them then just ride... |
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Amber |
7 years |
Great drying weather means the trails are at least Amber Status today. Please try to tread lightly. There will be some puddles around- if you don't have time to stop and drain them then just ride... |
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Red |
7 years |
Quite a bit of rain overnight and still going means it's too wet to ride. |
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Green |
7 years |
Got to be good enough for Green now! |
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Amber |
7 years |
Going for AmberToday and hoping that with good rying weather will be even better for the weekend. |
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Red |
7 years |
What can I say? |
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Amber |
7 years |
Was wet in places but good in others earlier today (03/06/17). with more rain this afternoon though it will most likely be to wet to ride. |
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Green |
7 years |
Good to go. |
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Red |
7 years |
Rain as predicted. Trails are to wet to ride will need a day or two of sunshine. |
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Green |
7 years |
Couple of mms of rain so there are a few puddles here and there in the usual spots, but no mud areas and lots of nice trail |
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Amber |
7 years |
Had quite a bit of rain overnight could someone please update this if they have a closer look. |
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Green |
7 years |
Only a couple of puddles about |
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Green |
7 years |
Trails are finally dry and grippy. Get out there amongst it!! Only wet patch is start of bailey's paddock. |
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Amber |
7 years |
We'll call it amber still, it’s drying out slowly but there are still some wet patches that are holding moisture. |
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Amber |
7 years |
A lot of mud on the bits I rode yesterday (Friday, 14th) . Started on Kenny's - was okay for a short time then just got worse and worse! I'm from the UK so it was like a Summer ride for me!! But... |
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Amber |
7 years |
It's closer to red than amber, lot's of wet trail. Kennys and Baileys are really too wet to ride. |
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Amber |
7 years |
The suns out and its drying out nicely. |
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Red |
7 years |
. Glenrock is wet - very wet now. It will not dry out as soon as the sun comes out now it will take a day or two of dry. Please respect and stick... |
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Red |
7 years |
Heavy rain overnight and some showers this morning has left it wet most places. Needs a day to dry out - please update if you look. |
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Amber |
7 years |
Drying out but still wet in a lot of the corners. |
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Green |
8 years |
Trails are looking really nice and have dried out well. Just keep an eye out for the machine working on DeLuge this week, trail is not Completely closed but may be obstructed at times.... |
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Amber |
8 years |
We'll call it amber, its drying out pretty well with a fair few sections that are completely dry, the corners are still pretty wet though in places, and the usual places like Baileys paddock are... |
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Red |
8 years |
With Glenrock already wet and rain continuing it is too wet to ride. Please post up if you do check it out. |
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Amber |
8 years |
Things were drying out most places yesterday but some of the clay based areas - Suess and Shaft particularly, still have problems. |
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Red |
8 years |
With all this rain the trails are way too wet to ride, will need some good drying weather and no more rain!! |
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Green |
8 years |
Followed the weekend race route and it was all good. However that could all change with the storm heading our way...... |
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Amber |
8 years |
Without any real significant rain the trails were starting to dry out yesterday. Hope this continues for this weekends event Shimano MTBGP. |
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Red |
8 years |
Was kind of holding out through the week with the patchy rain but now way too wet and getting soaked tothe stage where it will take some time to dry out. Please post up if you check it out... |
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Amber |
8 years |
Was holding out OK yesterday but more heavy rain overnight has left things pretty wet this morning. |
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Green |
8 years |
track is super dry as of Wednesday 22nd Feb. Signs also up for upcoming Shimano GP Round 1 scheduled for 11th March. more info here:... |
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Amber |
8 years |
Great drying weather today should see good riding conditions for the rest of the week. |
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Green |
8 years |
Hot weather has dried it out nicely. |
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Red |
8 years |
Fair amount of much needed rain this arv. means it will be too wet to ride in the morning but a day of good drying weather should see us good to go within a day or so. Please update this... |
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Green |
8 years |
Trails in great shape. |
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Green |
8 years |
Nicely packed after some rain with a puddle here and there. Get out there! |
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Green |
8 years |
Was in there yesterday and trails were very dusty. A bit of rain overnight has settled them down nicely and they are good to go. |
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Green |
8 years |
All dry, perfect for a weekend of riding!! |
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Green |
8 years |
Was drying really quickly yesterday. I'm gonnna guess it'll be green today and probably really good. |
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Red |
8 years |
Heavy rain overnight and this morning. Please don't ride until it's had a chance to dry out. |
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Green |
8 years |
Has dried out perfectly for the weekend, get out there ride hard get stoked! |
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Red |
8 years |
Unfortunately more rain than we can handle now. Please post up if you have a look. |
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Green |
8 years |
Riding Great!! Get out there, ride hard & get stoked. |
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Green |
8 years |
Get Amongst it! |
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Green |
8 years |
Did a lap this arvo and it's all dry. |
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Amber |
8 years |
Bit more rain than I thought overnight, probably needs at least a few hours to dry out. Please post up if you check it later, thanks. |
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Green |
8 years |
Good to go |
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Amber |
8 years |
Rode the fire trails fairly damp, probably needs a day to dry out. |
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Green |
8 years |
Great conditions |
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Amber |
8 years |
Drying out nice. A few puddles but a dry night and this wind should see it all good tomorrow. |
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Red |
8 years |
It's wet again today just in time for the weekend - Lets hope this passes quickly. |
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Green |
8 years |
Drying out nicely, Good to ride unless we get more rain. |
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Red |
8 years |
Just enough rain overnight to make it pretty greasy. |
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Green |
8 years |
Has dried out nicely, perfect for a weekend ride. |
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Red |
8 years |
Rode it this morning and all the tracks are wet & muddy. Will need a few days of sunny weather to dry out. |
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Green |
8 years |
Has dried out really quickly, thankfully. Really good riding today with just a bit of damp and tacky - hero dirt really! |
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Amber |
8 years |
Rode Saturday afternoon - still enough wet spots throughout to get yourself and your frame muddy, but will only get better today. Also heard a large tree coming down somewhere on the southern... |
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Red |
8 years |
Tons of rain overnight with more coming by the looks of it |
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Red |
8 years |
Tons of rain overnight with more coming by the looks of it |
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Amber |
8 years |
Calling it Amber based on conditions at my place, I haven't had a closer look but it could well be better. Anyone? |
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Red |
8 years |
Saddest afternoon ever as I stood waiting for the 2.30 ride in the pouring rain only to find Glenrock was possibly the only place in Newcastle raining. Anyhow the trails turned too wet to... |
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Green |
8 years |
Rode this arvo, the trails are predominantly dry except for a few puddles in the usual places..... |
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Red |
8 years |
RED - 20mm of rain today on top of yesterday on an already damp track - might make Amber by late Sunday arvo if no one rides tomorrow and Sunday morning. |
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Green |
8 years |
Only Kenny is damp/tacky, with a puddle still on the baileys bog, which is still wet. A puddle after the poo-works. Everywhere else is bone dry. |
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Green |
8 years |
Had a look yesterday and it was only a bit Amber with a few of the usual puddles - a few more around the Treatment Works (man I hope that's water in them). Anyway things will only be... |
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Amber |
8 years |
I'm calling it at least Amber based on local conditions. Should be having a better look today so will post up. Anyone else? |
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Red |
8 years |
Quite a bit of rain overnight and Glenrock is too wet to ride today. |
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Green |
8 years |
Road glen Rock on the 7/6 most trails dry with a couple small puddles around but nothing to serious just look out for the odd slippery corner |
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Red |
8 years |
After being so dry for so long the overnight rain means Glenrock needs a rest to dry out. Could be OK tomorrow if the rain stops. |
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Green |
8 years |
Trails are in great shape - get amongst it! |
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Green |
8 years |
It was good on Monday arvo, only a few small puddles and it hasn't rained since... |
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Amber |
8 years |
Drying out nicely, still wet in some areas. |
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Red |
8 years |
Heavy rain overnight and this morning - it's really wet. |
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Green |
8 years |
Looking good today |
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Red |
8 years |
A lot of rain yesterday arv and evening. |
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Green |
8 years |
A few showers this week left a few puddles but drying out nicely now and looks like a good day ahead. |
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Green |
9 years |
Dry and good |
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Amber |
9 years |
Quite q few puddles around, most track however is grippy and good but slippery in the odd corner through kennys etc, Big Dipper is also slippery. |
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Red |
9 years |
Really heavy rain overnight will need some time to dry, Although Glenrock held up really well during last weeks showers this will be too much. See how things go but it's not meant... |
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Green |
9 years |
May be some skin on the track from the race today but course in great condition. |
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Amber |
9 years |
Trails are all good and dry. People just need to be aware that there is a MTB race on Saturday the 5th of March. So there will be a lot... |
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Green |
9 years |
Finally big hole now smaller hole at end of Baileys. Far out watch the rut on the right side dropping down to Reload from Twisties |
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Green |
9 years |
Still big hole at end of baileys, other than that all good |
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Amber |
9 years |
Only rode the firetrails this morning, and they were sloppy and greasy enough as is - so can only assume the singletrack is also holding water and risk of damage. |
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Green |
9 years |
Sunday bash. Still one mudpit, but the rest is excellent, drying well. |
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Amber |
9 years |
Most track was good and tacky Wednesday arvo, but some puddles still, and a good amount of a mud pit just after baileys paddock. 2ml overnight means Amber now - hopefully we won't get any more... |
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Red |
9 years |
Update - wet and muddy, and that was before the rain set in this afternoon. Lots of puddles and washouts from storms, and sticky clay in all the clay spots - will be pretty bad riding for... |
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Red |
9 years |
50mm of rain on a damp base. Red. I'll be riding elsewhere for the weekend |
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Amber |
9 years |
I rode last night, mud in all the usual places, but generally Ok. Watch out for the wash out on it happens. |
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Red |
9 years |
300ml of rain - will need at least a 30c day to come close to being ok. Sticky red clay everywhere Also will be a lot of trail washouts |
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Red |
9 years |
300ml of rain - will need at least a 30c day to come close to being ok. Sticky red clay everywhere Also will be a lot of trail washouts |
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Red |
9 years |
Around 70mm so far with more to come. |
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Green |
9 years |
Just to update - good as gold |
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Amber |
9 years |
I went for a ride this afternoon, there are a few puddles around but generally it is pretty good. The puddles are in all the usual places( double barrel, Twisties, kennys, the bottom of... |
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Green |
9 years |
Aaannnnd it's a dustbowl again already. |
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Amber |
9 years |
We had 24mm here at Dudley overnight so I was expecting Grock to be pretty bad. How surprised I was then to find it pretty much all Green and sticky! |
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Green |
9 years |
Green green green. The little bit of rain this morning is not even evident throughout Grock. |
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Green |
9 years |
Thanks to great drying weather. Bit hot for riding though |
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Amber |
9 years |
Drying out well, but still fairly damp in some places. |
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Red |
9 years |
Pissing down since 8.30 pm, Glenrock will not be good in the morning. Even when the rain stops it will take time to dry out. Could anyone who checks it out please report. |
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Green |
9 years |
Dry today except for a few small patches. |
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Amber |
9 years |
Definitely Amber now, probably Green today. Could anyone who rides put a report up, please. |
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Red |
9 years |
Still damp wait another day or stay on fire trails only |
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Red |
9 years |
Really wet now, still raining and more on the way - FFS |
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Green |
9 years |
No puddles except for a couple of the long term issues. ![]() |
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Green |
9 years |
Surprised how quickly it has dried out after the rain a few days ago. Not even any puddles in there. ![]() |
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Green |
9 years |
I was expecting Amber but man, it's just hero dirt. Don't wait for the weekend, rip it up now! (That's a figure of speech btw, not an instruction) ![]() |
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Green |
9 years |
Green. I rode most trails bar the Shaft etc. But everything was great. A bit of hero dirt around, and only just a little slimey on that new off-camber bit near the chute. |
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Red |
9 years |
Must be soaked...... |
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Amber |
9 years |
Trails were holding up pretty well this morning, but I expect they'll be very wet and/or boggy by now and even worse by Sunday morning. |
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Green |
9 years |
All good just seeping water on Management trail in the usual spot with a handful of riders out mid morning |
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Green |
9 years |
Went for a ride this arvo, with the warm westerly I didn't think it would be too wet and it wasn't. Twisties and Dip had a few puddles so did the bottom of BJ's otherwise all good. ... |
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Red |
9 years |
Totally wet and still raining. This doesn't look good for the weekend. |
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Green |
9 years |
Not much to say - grippy and tacky, few puddles in a few spots, but no big patches of mud anywhere |
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Amber |
9 years |
A little damp but still very rideable. Few puddles around water treatment. Buy if it doesnt rain too much, will be perfect for the weekend. |
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Red |
9 years |
Lots of rain, not looking good for a few more days as well |
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Green |
9 years |
Does it get any better? |
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Green |
9 years |
All Green, all dry. |
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Green |
9 years |
GREEN is the colour of my true love's trails! |
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Amber |
9 years |
It's really Green just about everywhere, but a bit of slosh at the bottom of BJs, and still slightly greasy down the Shaft and Deluge. A few puddles on the Fire Trails of course. I rode... |
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Red |
9 years |
Update for Friday - Alas, anywhere with reddish clay is sloppy slippery mud - Twas ugly enough to head south on the fernleigh this morning and avoid glenrock . |
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Red |
9 years |
Went for a walk this morning - slippery, muddy etc on the tracks - take a bit of sunshine or wind to dry nicely - Wednesday arvo perhaps ? |
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Amber |
9 years |
Mostly Green but giving it amber because there are still a few puddles and greasy spots. Also there is a big tree down at the beginning of Kennys, poking out right where Reload ends. See... ![]() |
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Amber |
9 years |
Since the 10mm of rain, Grock has got a little worse. Marginal Amber , main issues are shaft, bit of mud on hang ten etc. I missed Kennys and the paddock, and also left the dipper and... |
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Amber |
9 years |
Much better today,you could call it green just a few puddles here and there. Double Barrel. Ok |
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Red |
9 years |
I was sure it would be dry by now but it's still very wet in places, too wet. Double Barrel. Ok |
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Red |
9 years |
Still red - was quite a bit more muddy this morning than I was expecting given a few days - but shaft was wet, the greasy climb out of the shit works is not a whole lot of fun, hang ten, dipper,... |
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Red |
9 years |
I went for a quick ride this afternoon, I didn't expected it to be so wet. Deluge - Red very wet in the middle. |
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Red |
9 years |
Looks like everyone has been avoiding saying this but Glenrock has been saturated over the last few days, again! Sunny day today with a good drying wind could see conditions improve... |
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Amber |
9 years |
I was surprised how good the trails were, with the firetrail through to easy way out being the worst of it. The only real puddles were around the around the poop works. Didn't ride BJs or S&... |
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Red |
9 years |
Was hopeful with Amber , but nah - very red unfortunately . Didn't ride Kennys or shaft because they be too wet, but places like out of the shitworks and hang ten and the dipper are just... |
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Amber |
9 years |
A quick check shows some puddles starting to form, the light but continuing rain is adding up. Trails are wet enough for riding to cause damage so please tread lightly or go the fire roads.... |
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Green |
9 years |
Grippy,smooth & 99% dry!-did only 10km's of northside single trail but is awesome anyways!!! |
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Green |
9 years |
Rode the trails today, It's all good. Deluge - As good as it gets |
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Amber |
9 years |
Rode the trails today, for the most part it is drying well and packed down smooth. We will need to work on drainage before the next big rain event as the packing of the trail has created cupping... |
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Red |
9 years |
Had look this afternoon. It needs a few good dry days. |
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Amber |
9 years |
Went for an evening lap on Thursday night, still definately Amber, lots of puddles and slop around. Friday's rain won't help one bit. Port to Port organisers better organise a tow truck in Bailey... |
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Amber |
9 years |
The Fernlliegh track and the Dipper has a lot of standing water and sticky clay. |
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Red |
9 years |
Still red. I rode through the fire trails yesterday on my way to the fernleigh, but there is a lot of mud and puddles around - the clay climb out of the creek near the shitworks is muddy as hell... |
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Red |
9 years |
Thanks to the ridiculous amount of people that rode yesterday Glenrock was already a slop-fest. Overnight rain has made sure of it. We need at least 2 full days of dry now before it's ride... |
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Red |
9 years |
Sad to say but the trails are very wet now since overnight and this mornings rain. Much standing water and puddling. Riding in these conditions will cause damage to the trail.... |
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Green |
9 years |
Did A good hour around Grock this morning - and even baileys now has a dry line- incredibly good condition considering what it's been through really, and a testament to all the effort that's gone... |
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Amber |
9 years |
As Empy said on Friday. Would love to call it Green but Baileys Paddock/Swamp and the debris down BJs make it Amber. All the main trails have dried out, and in fact could almost use some... |
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Amber |
9 years |
Well I'd love to call it Green as a lot of the park is great but there are still some issues so Amber it is. The majority or the main outside loop in the north is really good and drying... |
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Amber |
9 years |
I rode almost all of the trails over the last two days (only Glenrock proper after it was opened today) so can give a thorough report. First off, a MASSIVE THANKS to those involved who... |
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Amber |
9 years |
Glenrock Is Officially Open! Yes the park is officially open. The storm damage is mostly cleaned up and the park has been deemed safe and open to the public as of this morning. This... |
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Red |
9 years |
Still pretty wet today on most trails - wet enough for riding to cause damage. The park is still officially closed but I... |
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Red |
9 years |
The park is still officially closed with trees still down on some trails. |
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Red |
9 years |
i went for a walk through the trails this afternoon and it was a mess, trees down everywhere, hopefully we can get it cleaned up quickly, if theres any clean up dates coming up ill be there. |
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Red |
9 years |
I think this goes without saying - VERY VERY VERY WET. |
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Amber |
9 years |
For the amount of rain it was slippery this morning. not many puddles but some boggy sections on kennies in the shady sections but dry in the open sections. I lost it a couple of times on the... |
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Green |
9 years |
Still great conditions get your kids out there during the week there is nobody in there just after lunch today .... |
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Green |
9 years |
Green. A lot of the little puddles have dried up since yesterday. Amazing how much it has changed even in one day, thanks to the dry winds. Get out there! But beware, quite a few strollers... |
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Amber |
9 years |
One very small patch cordoned off (in Seuss I think but it could have been Kennys...other than that just a few puddles. The Shaft, Snakes and Ladders and Seismic all good. One more day of... |
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Amber |
9 years |
I would really prefer to call this GREEN, but am rating conservatively based on the few puddles still lying around. The tracks are in great nick all around, riding really well, nice and sticky... |
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Amber |
9 years |
The wind is drying out the trails but they are covering the trail with branches. Still a few puddles around so amber |
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Red |
9 years |
Must surely be soaked to the bone now! |
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Amber |
9 years |
The trails are great. When the rain passes so quickly it doesn't soak in. Nothing but hero dirt and 2 or 3 isolated puddles (1 bad one on Kennys) which is enough to warrant an amber status.... ![]() |
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Red |
10 years |
I've been up there this afternoon, it's soaking wet, and with this rain it's not getting any better. |
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Amber |
10 years |
I don't like making calls without riding the trails, however. I rode today at lunchtime and it was definitely GREEN. We have since had some rain this evening which I am quite certain would have... |
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Green |
10 years |
The odd puddle here and there, but dusty in lots of parts green for go |
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Amber |
10 years |
I'm going to give it amber because i did a early ride this morning (25/03/15 7:30 am) and the trails were damp (tires just leaving a shallow mark) with a few puddles in the regular spots. With... |
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Green |
10 years |
Wet roads around the area but the track was nice and dry they must have had a light dusting of rain to make it nice , plenty of riders out as well |
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Green |
10 years |
Rode lots of trails nearby, no mud at all, Grock would be good |
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Red |
10 years |
Rain overnight and continuing today, will be red for the meantime - at least until it stops raining. |
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Green |
10 years |
Dry and dusty this afternoon.(Just to give a more recent update). |
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Green |
10 years |
I'll give it a green, but with not much rain it will go quickly towards the red. Really just a few puddles around the place. Kenny's - Generally good, few puddles and slippery at the... |
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Red |
10 years |
Yep still red. Went in this morning and it was pretty damp , quite a few puddles, and now we've had a heavy shower, so will be quite red today |
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Red |
10 years |
Only rode the fire trails this arvo and they were bad enough, so I think its a fair call to say the single track is RED. |
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Green |
10 years |
A few mud puddles around Kenny's and bj's, could lead to some big ruts. Seismic very overgrown with weeds and other crap. |
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Green |
10 years |
All good - just a bit hot and dry. Also Six Shooter/Mud Jumps out for a couple of days while we rebuild |
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Green |
10 years |
Dry & loose means fast & fun! |
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Green |
10 years |
All good this morning. Only a few small puddles, conditions are near perfect. |
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Amber |
10 years |
After the rain, still puddles around maybe 20 or so on a full loop- part 2 of Kenny's before Baileys paddock is worst, rest is hero dirt - bike will probably need a clean afterwards. |
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Green |
10 years |
Green with puddles including a couple of soggy ones on Windy roots. But most of the trail is either Hero dirt or dry and dusty. It's holding up well. |
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Red |
10 years |
Pretty damp this morning - just amber but we've just had another 4 or 5mm in a storm , so red unfortunately by now - c'mon dry weather, where are you! |
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Red |
10 years |
Pretty damp this morning - just amber but we've just had another 4 or 5mm in a storm , so red unfortunately by now - c'mon dry weather, where are you! |
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Green |
10 years |
I rode most of the trails today. |
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Red |
10 years |
10mm overnight so far, more to come |
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Green |
10 years |
Dry and dusty. I didn't do the Shaft but everything else I rode needs some rain. |
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Amber |
10 years |
We need an up-to-date report here. I had a look yesterday arv. and things were still quite wet with puddles. |
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Green |
10 years |
From what I saw today should be all green - there'll probably be some isolated puddles. All the puddles on Kenny's fixed now. |
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Amber |
10 years |
Rode this morning with the same theory as the last person who posted a report, it was dry at my place but could see there had been some rain when I got there. More than we thought in the end.... |
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Amber |
10 years |
Had 3mm of rain overnight at my place, would be back to amber today at a guess - needs a ridden update, but it was very much borderline yesterday , rain overnight surely couldn't have helped |
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Green |
10 years |
Maybe a couple of dozen puddles, but apart from the puddles there are no tyre marks been left, sort of on the edge between amber and green, if I was a bit grumpy I'd call t amber... |
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Red |
10 years |
Wet. Had a bit of a walk this morning, Shaft was very wet. |
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Green |
10 years |
Very dry and dusty last night. No running water in the creek crossings. |
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Green |
10 years |
All good, couple of puddles here and there, did not ride Kenny's though |
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Amber |
10 years |
Amber today, a few puddles around, but possibly Green by tomorrow without further rain. Not many riders out, must all be at home playing xbox! |
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Green |
10 years |
Don't let the early morning xmas fog fool you, it was Green and dry in there today. Time to rip it up. |
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Green |
10 years |
GREEN. Awesome in there today, go for it. Will hit it again tomorrow morning I reckon seeing as we had an early xmas today. |
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Amber |
10 years |
Rode today before lunch. The trails are pretty good, and I am only calling it amber as a few corners are a bit slippery. Might not be a day for Strava KOMs.... |
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Green |
10 years |
All trails are dry. |
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Green |
10 years |
Green. Awesome in there today. Still a bit of storm debris around but the trails are great. |
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Amber |
10 years |
It's pretty much Green all through but probably 15-20 small puddles around the trails. Fantastic condition today otherwise, with the bits of rain we have had just running straight off. |
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Red |
10 years |
Damn. I had helmet on ready to go late this arv. Hasn't stopped raining at Glenrock. |
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Green |
10 years |
Green for go. Trails were great this arvo, bordering on dry and dusty. Only a few of the smallest puddles here and there. It will probably rain overnight though... |
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Red |
10 years |
40mm of rain overnight, no need to guess how wet it will be. drift have moved their demo day to the shop already - kudos to them |
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Amber |
10 years |
Light rain this morning but drying out quickly. Should be great conditions by this arv. |
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Green |
10 years |
Its been a while since i have ridden Twisties allways fun its a bit rougher watch out for the exposed tree root in the last dip |
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Green |
10 years |
All good just the usual wet spots after the storm we had during the week |
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Green |
10 years |
Call me crazy, but I'd call it marginal green - maybe 5 or 6 puddles, but generally a very solid surface and no muddy areas that I saw. Lots of sticks, leaves and bark in places where it shouldn... |
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Red |
10 years |
Flogged down rain last night, will need at least a day to dry out. Could anyone who checks it out please report. |
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Green |
10 years |
Green, green, green. The new trailwork is sensational. Well done guys. |
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Green |
10 years |
Unbelievable that it has recovered so well. Obviously there are puddles here and there but 99% of the tracks are not taking marks from tyres. I missed shaft expecting it to be wet and went... |
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Red |
10 years |
More heavy rain this morning, it will need a rest - and some dry weather. |
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Amber |
10 years |
Really heavy shower here this evening, may be OK tomorrow if it doesn't rain again - but showers are forecast. |
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Green |
10 years |
Looking really good this afternoon, drying out quickly, excellent. |
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Amber |
10 years |
Just got back from a lazy loop. A lot of it is Green, some of it Amber, and only a few puddles here and there. Probably all Green by tomorrow if the rain stays away tonight. Also saw the... |
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Red |
10 years |
A quick check sees the trails getting quite wet on the surface. Can only hope it passes just as... |
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Green |
10 years |
All good yesterday i thought there would be lots more out there my boy enjoyed it heaps |
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Green |
10 years |
Dry, dusty and loose. |
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Green |
10 years |
Really good to ride |
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Green |
10 years |
Stunning morning on the trails today. Water has pretty much all gone other than a few damp spots on management trails. Quick rundown of where I went. Double Barrel - Bordering on... |
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Green |
10 years |
I will give it a green, a few puddles around, but any damage that is going to be done is done. Kenny's - Few small puddles and the big rut at the start (around the log) that needs to be... |
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Amber |
10 years |
Amber is correct as plenty of dry bits but plenty of muddy boggy spots around too!-but will not take much more rain to turn it to red! |
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Amber |
10 years |
Ive taken this from a post elsewhere on the site.
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Red |
10 years |
Went in for a short ride this arvo and is still super wet. Went up snakes and ladders and there are a few decent puddles and soft spots. Apart from that stuck to the fire trails which are very... |
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Red |
10 years |
Unfortunately still red, I would have thought amber given a couple of days of sunshine, but there is loads of new mud patches from the weekend, maybe as many as 20 new spots where I haven't seen... |
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Red |
10 years |
Popped in today just before the rain came down. Rode the fire trails straight to Baileys for a look, and it's not too bad. Saw one other bloke in there and I presume he was doing the same reccy... ![]() |
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Red |
10 years |
Has not stopped raining all night=very wet |
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Amber |
10 years |
The usual mud spots and wet areas, but generally HERO DIRT! |
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Red |
10 years |
Red While nobby a didn't get much rain last night , clearly glenrock did - fair bit of standing water in places and you can tell exactly how many bikes have been out this morning. ... |
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Green |
10 years |
Dry on Saturday, but man this place has been neglected. I haven't ridden here in about two years and couldn't believe the amount of erosion, mostly caused by what appears to be wet weather... |
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Green |
10 years |
Green with some small puddles. The rain we had the other day has done a great job of making the trails nice and sticky, and it's really riding well. Sure, there are a few small puddles here and... |
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Amber |
10 years |
Hit the fire trails for a look today and it was much better than I expected. I tentatively rode through Kennys but it was almost completely dry. The usual puddle on S&L, and a touch greasy on... ![]() |
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Red |
10 years |
Flogging down for the last 2 hours, Glenrock is very wet this morning. |
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Green |
10 years |
Green as green can be - rolling well, get on it before it pisses down tomorrow night ! I reckon it ll cope with a couple of mm of rain, but if we get 10mm I'd be looking elsewhere. Did pretty... |
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Amber |
10 years |
Still Amber yesterday - puddles Kenny's, shaft etc , wet feet by the time I got home - |
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Amber |
10 years |
Rode toady after the 10mls of rain yesterday. Not too bad. - quite a few puddles so I would avoid Kenny's - avoided shaft, but the rest was pretty ok - 95% of trail only leaving the faintest of... |
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Green |
10 years |
Riding well, all trails good. |
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Green |
10 years |
Essentially the network is all good. A few damp patches here and there, just need a bit of TLC when it dries out so it drains better next time it rains. Only real issue is Bailey'... |
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Amber |
10 years |
Getting there to fully dry but various trails still have muddy wet spots on them.Some more days like today will have Glenrock perfect soon. |
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Amber |
10 years |
Kenny's , baileys etc - Red - muddy, trails wearing ruts up the little hill near the start. Twisties is also red Most everything else is damp with patches of mud and puddles - bike will... |
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Red |
10 years |
Thursday arvo ride ended up being fire trails, snakes and the odd track near gun club road as well as a grass fighting run round the quarry! Majorly wet , still lots of deep puddles and... |
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Red |
10 years |
The absolute worst conditions for Glenrock this morning. This is when all the damage to trails we see happens... |
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Red |
10 years |
Was already wet yesterday arv. when I looked. |
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Green |
10 years |
Went in today to check out the Port to Port, overall the trails are dryer than yesterday and for the most part I am calling it green. Few wet areas include; |
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Amber |
10 years |
Just went in for a ride for the NPWS to inspect the Port to Port route and make the preliminary call on wet or dry route. For the most part its surprisingly dry in Glenrock. Of the trails I rode... |
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Green |
10 years |
All the tracks are dry with the odd small puddle here and there. |
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Green |
10 years |
Still the odd puddle, but otherwise good to go. Seismic rocking. |
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Amber |
10 years |
Rode through this morning and this evening, commuting. Mostly pretty good, but very muddy on that paddock section before High Roller. |
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Amber |
10 years |
I haven't had a good look, but there's no way we could still be red. If anyone rides please update. |
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Red |
10 years |
Red. A few storms this afternoon on already dodgy softish trails |
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Amber |
10 years |
Pretty wet though Kenny's this afternoon still, otherwise it was a good run with only a couple of puddles but I am guessing that will change tonight/tomorrow |
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Red |
10 years |
As can be expected GR is pretty bad at the moment. I popped in this arvo and stuck mainly to the fire trails and they were bad enough. It seems any part of the track that was sheltered from the... |
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Amber |
10 years |
It might be red, but there's no way it's green - we got 28mm of rain on Tuesday night , and I would expect it to be red, but cannot be sure now that we've had a dry windy day - anyone who has... |
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Green |
10 years |
Did a quick lap this morning (excluding BJs) and it was all good. |
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Amber |
10 years |
A lot of isolated puddles this arv. but drying quickly. |
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Red |
10 years |
Arrived there this morning based on yesterday's green status update, but apparently it rained last night.....I've never seen the place soooo wet. Went for a quick lap and got the hell out of... |
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Green |
10 years |
Hurry before the bad weather arrives later today. |
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Red |
10 years |
Don't bother. |
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Green |
10 years |
Perfect - great trails - always a great place to ride. Even better when the trails are fast and tacky like today. |
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Green |
10 years |
Almost perfect no dust, small damp spots |
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Amber |
10 years |
Rode a few trails over near scout camp road yesterday. It was great, few large puddles here and there but thats expected, easy to B line. |
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Red |
10 years |
Went for a bit of a ride late this afternoon, expecting reasonable conditions - wrong! Quite wet, slippery to ride up and out of the creek near the shitworks. Leaving tyre tracks behind the... |
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Amber |
10 years |
Not bad, not great - few puddles around here and there, maybe 1/2 a dozen along Kenny's to Yule rd, another dry day is all it needs |
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Red |
10 years |
Heavy rain on the coast since 10 speaks for itself, crap again. |
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Green |
10 years |
Looked ok when riding this arvo-the 2 moto's would have done more damage than us |
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Red |
10 years |
From the last update:
Tip: Click the "clone" tab at... |
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Green |
10 years |
Trails I rode were damp and tacky, or dry but dust free. Occasional little mud holes in the usual places. Rains stays away then it can only get better. Rain comes back, won't take much to turn it... |
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Green |
11 years |
Superb riding today with National Parks doing some mowing & GTA has built some nice little berms on Kenny's & High Roller. |
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Green |
11 years |
What can I say? It looks good today - don't blame me if it rains. |
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Red |
11 years |
Heavy amounts of precipitation up here in Merewether Heights will have rendered the fine trails of Glenrock too overly wet & unrideable. |
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Amber |
11 years |
Is at least Amber from what I've seen. Need an update from someone who's been all 'round. |
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Red |
11 years |
Too wet to even look this morning. I think the drought is broken. |
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Green |
11 years |
Trail conditions fantastically superb. |
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Red |
11 years |
Well, was ok a few hours ago, but 60mm of rain so far today will mean every hollow is full of water - might be a few days to dry out after this one |
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Amber |
11 years |
Hi everybody, road about a 1/3rd of GR today but missed Kenny's and shaft, thinking they'd be wet, it's actually pretty good but a few puddles here and there - the bike doesn't need cleaning and... |
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Green |
11 years |
Good track all over the north side including shaft, very dry, perfect for all riding |
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Green |
11 years |
Tacky, pretty much perfect today, was a few puddles yesterday, but they are all gone today |
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Green |
11 years |
Rode Wednesday arvo and the light rain on Tuesday improved conditions, finally an end to the dust and loose conditions, much grippier, near perfect now. Hopefully Wednesday nights rain hasn't... |
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Green |
11 years |
All good. |
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Green |
11 years |
Had a great morning ride today, trails were nice and grippy with only a few puddles. Have noticed some breaking ruts appearing particuly the Shute |
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Green |
11 years |
Dry and dusty. Some issues are arising on Shaft with cockheads moving rocks and shortcutting corners. There is a right hand corner after the climb out of the creek area that is getting really... |
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Green |
11 years |
Glenrock is now a dry and dusty super highway. Ride your bike everyday! |
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Green |
11 years |
Rode the trails yesterday afternoon. You're mad if you don't get up here and ride today or tomorrow. The dirt is prime, fast and smooth with just the right amount of moisture for great traction... |
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Amber |
11 years |
A bit of water in the usual places you would expect after rainfall ie. Kenny's, Bottom of poo farm, bottom of twisties. But overall the dirt is in prime condition, only going to get better over... |
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Red |
11 years |
It's wet and boggy out there. Went for a run this morning and there is plenty of water on the management tracks and standing water on the single track. |
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Amber |
11 years |
Drying out slowly as of Tuesday arvo. Still wet mud patches throughout the singletrack, and some water is still actively draining from the Yuelarbah Mgmt Trail in spots. Should be good by the... |
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Red |
11 years |
Looks like I jinxed it again!-the rain has hit. |
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Amber |
11 years |
Plenty of soft spots & a few really wet places-yet mostly dry overall!-sun is out & there is a breeze so can only dry from here. |
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Red |
11 years |
Heavy rainfall and storms in Glenrock this morning and still going. |
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Amber |
11 years |
Did a short lap of Double Barrel, Twisties, 6-shooter, Seismic, Reload Kennys, Bailey's Paddock on Wed arvo. Drying out, but still too many wet and muddy patches everywhre, to be green, better to... |
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Red |
11 years |
Just a guess ... |
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Amber |
11 years |
A bit of sun n wind + being very dry before from & what I seen has a some wet bits & dry bits |
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Red |
11 years |
Must be wet-but hey it needed some rain! |
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Green |
11 years |
Green imho. Rode in from Fernleigh track yesterday afternoon and did a loop including 6 Shooter & Seismic / Kenny / Seuss / Shaft / Hang 10 etc and back out again. Still a couple of trees... |
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Amber |
11 years |
HUGE branch down blocking shaft. It's gunna take chainsaws to clear a path. Came across it about 1pm not sure what other wind fall is around from this wind [Mod. sounds like... |
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Green |
11 years |
All dry again! |
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Red |
11 years |
Must have to be a tad wet! |
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Green |
11 years |
All good but just so very dry n dusty |
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Amber |
11 years |
All trails dry-Big old tree still down over 6 shooter sniggle & the top of Snakes n Ladders/Buckshot now seems to be a dry loose firetrail after NPWS?? has driven a 4wd down there!-&... |
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Green |
11 years |
Dry as dry, and all open as per SDs post. A tree down over the track into 6 shooter - mud jumps whatever they are called. |
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Amber |
11 years |
The rain on Sunday night has done well to dampen the loose surface, nice and grippy now for most of the single track. A short lap of Kennys > Paddock > BJs > Hang Ten > Y.Trail up... |
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Amber |
11 years |
NPWS still have closures on some trails & there is a tree down over Easy Way Out between power lines & Fernleigh Creek-Open trails are very dry & loose so watch out! |
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Amber |
11 years |
Just received some great news from the NPWS. The assessment and safety works have been carried out on Snakes and Ladders, Hang Ten and on Gun Club Road. So, as of now the park os... |
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Red |
11 years |
Glenrock is still closed. The NPWS have not notified us that their work is done in reopening Snakes and Ladders, Gun Club Road an Hang Ten. The aim is to complete the work by tomorrow with... |
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Amber |
11 years |
Area is all burned but some tracks appear open. |
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Red |
11 years |
Glenrock is still closed following our meeting this morning. The NPWS have made it a priority to re-establish cycling access and are working on reopening Snakes and Ladders/Gun Club Road... ![]() |
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Red |
11 years |
Here is a status for Glenrock today taken from the GTA Facebook page.
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Red |
11 years |
Just went to the beach and there is a bushfire in Glenrock. You can see the flames from the top of the sewerage works road and the fire brigade is using a helicopter to water bomb the fire. Looks... |
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Green |
11 years |
Trails are all good with & such a top day the ride would have been so much better without a hangover.... |
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Amber |
11 years |
Trails are generally good with little tyre marking, however plenty of puddles and the clay areas like mud jumps are soft. Lots of braking for puddles etc. |
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Green |
11 years |
Sun is out & trails are made of hero dirt! |
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Green |
11 years |
Had a quick look this morning at a few spots & rain has done it's job of settling dust-will dry right up if rain stays away. |
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Green |
11 years |
Still dry n loose in some spots but some spots are that hard it gives rock like grip! |
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Green |
11 years |
So dry!-some area's are actually powdering up!-keep a watch on that front tyre before you lowside it. |
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Green |
11 years |
Glorious Day, the trails are cracking. Thanks again to the guys doing the trail work, you do a great job. Will try to join you next time. |
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Green |
11 years |
Had a nice tootle around Glenrock under a brightish moon last night. Saw a few other night riders as well. All pretty good but was wondering why so much vegetation clippings on the... |
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Green |
11 years |
Dry & even dusty in some spots!-was a great day for a ride. |
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Green |
11 years |
A few puddles this arvo, otherwise all good......... |
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Amber |
11 years |
Just got out of there in time, night ride, now standing in garage beer in one hand, dirty little scrubber in other. 5mm of h20 & counting. I guess by morning it will be red |
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Green |
11 years |
Nice n fast!-just a couple of little pesky muddy bits that's all. |
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Green |
11 years |
Still a few puddles about, but trail generally pretty ok, with most mud on the management trail |
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Amber |
11 years |
Thursday afternoon ride . Quite a few puddles around, went out on bike no 2.... |
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Red |
11 years |
Rode last night before the rain, and t was nice and dry, but 10mm of rain overnight will have killed it. 2 or 3 mm would have been fine but not 10. Maybe 2 days of good weather and all will be... |
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Green |
11 years |
Excellent as of Sunday - the little bit of rain had only an effect for a few hours and is now drying nicely. Bike is clean, tacky and slightly slow trails, but loads of grip if that's your thing... |
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Green |
11 years |
went through last night, and its a pretty tacky affair, very few puddles and no need to hose the bike afterwards. end of shaft is still a mudfest, but even Baileys paddock now has a dry line,... |
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Amber |
11 years |
Still easily amber as plenty of muddy slippery spots on most tracks. |
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Amber |
11 years |
Mostly ok, Baileys paddock as per usual. The main issue is quagmire of a stinky mud hole at the bottom of Shaft next to the shit farm fence. More than happy to assist fill it with rocks asap.... |
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Red |
11 years |
Rode |
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Red |
11 years |
Muddy, Slip and slide in usual places, but even the picnic table is in mud I'm making other plans for Saturday , we need some wind tomorrow |
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Amber |
11 years |
Anber/Red |
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Amber |
11 years |
Not quite green yet!-still plenty of muddy bits like Baileys & yet dry places like Suess Land & top of Shaft |
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Red |
11 years |
For anyone that read my optimistic report yesterday - well it looks like the curse is back. Saturated again! |
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Amber |
11 years |
Drying out nicely this arv. I'm sure there's still some puddles. Dry day tomorrow should see it right. |
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Red |
11 years |
Went for a little ride today, unfortunately would still call it red, some tracks getting really beaten up, like the bottom of twisties, the new work into the creek at shaft, quarry is muddy. Of... |
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Amber |
11 years |
Few puddles remaining on the trails but nothing major. The bottom of shaft just before the creek crossing is really chewed up by the tread of the machinery so exercise caution. Weather looks... |
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Red |
11 years |
Was very wet up at the NPWS depot tonight-the trails must be rivers! |
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Green |
11 years |
Winter sun & wind has done some good to have the trails 99.9% dry-so I am going to say green. |
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Amber |
11 years |
Not green yet!-still some large ish mud/wet patches around-but way drier than I thought it would be |
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Red |
11 years |
Does anyone have a current trail status update after the rain yesterday? |
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Red |
11 years |
must be wet from that downpour? |
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Green |
11 years |
Green but only just! |
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Amber |
11 years |
Amber at best!-way off green due to plenty of slippery muddy bits! |
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Red |
11 years |
Just went and checked it out . Nobbys shows less than 1 mm. Gr has coped way more at least 4 or 5 mm with standing water everywhere |
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Amber |
11 years |
Did a full loop this morning,trails are in good cond bordering on green if we dont get anymore of that stuff from the sky.Just a note on the work on the shaft ive seen the progress over the last... |
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Amber |
11 years |
From the little bit I've seen there is no way that it's any worse than amber ATM. Possible green tomorrow. |
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Red |
11 years |
Would be wet as it was only just green yesterday & this rain would make it yucky |
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Green |
11 years |
Mostly dry, only a couple of puddles on the fire trails. |
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Amber |
11 years |
Still a few wet spots and some puddles but generally drying OK. Gotta go with amber especially if we get a dry night. |
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Red |
11 years |
Rode today, and had to ride pretty slowly and choose my tracks. May make it to amber by the end of the day and/ or tomorrow. A majority of track was holding tyre marks, Going up the hill from... |
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Green |
11 years |
99% dry,so way better than expected-go riding I say!! |
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Red |
11 years |
Still red...but...drying quick as had a look at Kenny's before midday today & was drier than expected,but the 5 riders we saw on Shaft this morning they were muddy!!-I would say the culprit... |
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Red |
11 years |
Must be wet...really wet! |
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Green |
11 years |
Little bits of water left in spots & others fully dry-go & enjoy! |
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Amber |
11 years |
Perfect drying weather means would should be OK by this arv. Please post a status if you check it out. |
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Red |
11 years |
As wet as you would think, not much standing water and should dry soon, with luck. But is overall tacky to wet and you will cause damage if you ride the singletrack. |
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Green |
11 years |
Tacky=grippy with only a few bits of water in the usual places today. |
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Green |
11 years |
All good-even getting loose & dusty in many places. |
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Green |
11 years |
Great day on the trails. Many thanks to person that fixed twisties, shaft looking good. |
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Green |
11 years |
Blue skies & sweet trails |
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Green |
11 years |
Excepting fr the brand new unfinished work on shaft and possibly twisties. - all good, tacky, the occasional puddle across Zeus land. Won't cope well with 10 mm of rain I,d say, but good enough... |
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Amber |
11 years |
Mostly dry & hard except for new work on Shaft which is very soft & has large puddle in middle-be careful on Twisties n Dip some work is being done so again it is soft & boggy in... |
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Amber |
11 years |
Drier then expected!-just looked at Double Barrel which is dry & Kenny's which has only 3 wet spots which I drained-it seems that it is just the leaf litter which is wet. |
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Red |
11 years |
This rain was predicted-but I am going to blame Empy for jinxing again!!! Lol |
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Green |
11 years |
All good this afternoon. Get there while the weather lasts. |
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Amber |
11 years |
Rode Kennys, S&L, Big Dipper |
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Green |
11 years |
Only one word to say-Perfect! |
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Green |
11 years |
Looks really good to me, but you know how dangerous it can be for me to put up a green status! Here's hoping. Shaft is officially open again but please beware of a huge pile of loose... |
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Amber |
11 years |
Just barely amber - Kenny's etc will be quite wet , staying around the firetrails and around gun club rd is all pretty acceptable with the odd puddle but not widespread mud. Need a... |
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Red |
11 years |
Really wet now, has put a halt to trailwork. We can only hope it clears. Radar is looking better ATM |
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Amber |
11 years |
The NPWS trailwork crew got washed out from Shaft about lunch time so it's not looking good at all. I'd say it's amber or worse. |
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Green |
12 years |
All good & no snakes! |
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Green |
12 years |
A few puddles in the usual places, mostly hero dirt last nites rain did it the world of good.Should be perfect for a long weekend of trail shredding! |
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Green |
12 years |
Dry n stinkin hott! |
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Green |
12 years |
Did a loop this afternoon and it was dry and fast, the really wet spots on Bailey's and before high roller/BJ are fine just a little tacky. Did not do shaft but I think it should be fine also as... |
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Amber |
12 years |
Poked around, Grass Tree, De Luge & Management Trails this morning, all southern side. It was dark , lights ablaze but what I saw was all sweet. Still sticky under tread in the low lying... |
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Amber |
12 years |
I haven't been everywhere but I'll call it better than red and rising, from what I've seen. |
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Red |
12 years |
- probably red today, but by tomorrow afternoon will be ambery - shaft had at least a dozen puddles on it, even the rock repaired area on the first climb is just a big 2m long 1m wide puddle -... |
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Green |
12 years |
Rode Monday and Tuesday - drying out nicely - there's now even a dry line on baileys |
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Amber |
12 years |
Not far off green but Bailey's still has some boggy bits & the start of BJ's/High Roller is just a mess which does not look like drying anytime soon. |
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Amber |
12 years |
Drying a few patches of mud , baileys is a bog, entry into BJs just after baileys padock also messy. The Rangers have cleared the log with bee hive at entry to dipper and doing great work over... |
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Amber |
12 years |
Amber is spot on!-some bits of bog around!(6 on Baileys) & other places are perfect.Who is doing the excavations on Gun Club firetrail & start of Reload? |
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Amber |
12 years |
Drying pretty well now with this weather, but plenty of puddles around in the usual places. |
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Red |
12 years |
Must be wet...again! |
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Amber |
12 years |
Just Finished a short ride from grass tree to Yule rd, tracks drying but there are a few branches down. look out for a tree down between power lines and big dipper with a bee hive in it |
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Amber |
12 years |
baileys wet, around 5 water puddles on shaft, climb out of the creek fromt he shit works is in good nic, pump action, reload, kenny's (upto the paddock), it happens, zuess all good. didnt... |
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Red |
12 years |
Pissing down - wet as wet. Go for ride, and go directly to CRC and order yourself a cassette and chain !... |
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Amber |
12 years |
Just did a quick loop of Double Barrel,down the firetrail to Six Shooter,on the firetrail to the top part of Q-loop,then around to Siesmick(I think anyway?,the trail is there somewhere!) &... |
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Green |
12 years |
I haven't seen it all, but from what I have seen I'm calling it good to go. |
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Amber |
12 years |
Good dry weather means it's bouncing back quickly. I'll have another look this arv. and would think it will be green by then. |
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Red |
12 years |
Very wet!-started sprinkling when on Kenny's & heavier at the start of Bailey's & was pouring down when on BJ's with the whole track covered by water-turned down the hill went &... |
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Green |
12 years |
Mmmmmm nice n grippy just right! |
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Green |
12 years |
Looking good where I've been the last few days, can't imagine any probs with the dry weather now. |
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Amber |
12 years |
i went for a walk along kennys and a few others |
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Green |
12 years |
All good to go!-stopped 2 Mini Moto riders near the Fernleigh entrance who winged they have been riding in there for 20 years & they maed all the trails & we(MTBr's) have wrecked them... |
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Green |
12 years |
From what I've seen in the last few days doing trailwork and site inspections it all looks good. Hasn't anyone been riding? |
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Red |
12 years |
went out this morning, really expecting it to be fine tbh, shaft, sankes, reload etc all OK - baileys paddock is a quagmire - i wouldnt even consider riding that direction for the mud at the... |
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Red |
12 years |
Went for a look this morning still to wet almost rideable but will cause damage if to many ride so will leave it still as red for another day to dry |
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Red |
12 years |
With this rain it must be so wet again-wet weather route for the weekends race Lenny? |
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Green |
12 years |
99% dry only 2 patches of water left!-but be careful creeks are up! & the small one near the Fernleigh Track is really slippery!!! |
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Amber |
12 years |
Is drying out but will turn back to red if more rain & go green if sun comes out-Shaft is the trail with the most wet bits. |
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Red |
12 years |
Very very wet!-only had a look at Double Barrel which would mean some of the tracks much be much worse!-will the Adventure race being organised for this weekend be canned if still too wet?(well... |
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Red |
12 years |
Its too humid to ride today, I said. I'll ride tomorrow ... About 15mm so far, with more to come. |
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Green |
12 years |
Rode Double Barrel, Reload, Easyway out, Kenny's, BJ's, Seuss, Shaft, hang 10, Grass Tree. All sweet, couldn't fault it at all. |
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Green |
12 years |
normal short loop, kenny's, zeuss, shaft, S&L and all the way back - puddle at top of shaft, bottom of shaft now mud only in the dipper, little more grip, less dust - all good |
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Amber |
12 years |
Rode grass tree, snakes and ladders, quarry loop, seismic, pump action, double barrel, twisties, reloaded, kenny's, BJ's and shit happens today. Kennys and BJ's had small puddles of standing... |
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Red |
12 years |
Went past & had a quick look-it is wet,there is standing water on Double Barrel & the soil is soft enough for tread patterns to be left(as someone had done). |
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Green |
12 years |
Great conditions this morning. The few drops of rain overnight have helped bring some grip to the trails. Rode most of the trails in the northern area of the park as well as Grasstree and De Luge... |
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Amber |
12 years |
Hot hot dry and dusty just too hot for me this morning 34 deg by 9am |
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Green |
12 years |
Must be perfect to ride now!-maybe I should have chucked a sickie! |
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Red |
12 years |
NPWS have closed all parks from Friday 11th through to Monday 14th Jan. More details... |
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Green |
12 years |
Glenrock is open again. I've not been in but I imagine it will be pretty dry/dusty. Get in before it gets hot again. |
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Red |
12 years |
NPWS have closed all parks & reserve's for Tuesday 8/1/13 due to EXTREME fire danger. |
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Green |
12 years |
Nice n dry-just take the Aerogard as there is Mozzies galore!!! |
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Green |
12 years |
This morning - shafts Only puddle was only mud, will be dry by now-, did grass tree, hang ten, big dipper - all good- might still be some damp patches on Kenny's |
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Amber |
12 years | view | |
Red |
12 years |
Rain came back & soaked the place. |
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Amber |
12 years |
Conditions all over the shop!-Dry parts,tacky parts & wet soggy parts!-if rain stays away & wind keeps blowing it will dry,but if it rains any more will quickly go to red. |
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Green |
12 years |
tracks all good |
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Green |
12 years |
All good. Dry. Hard packed. |
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Green |
12 years |
everything i rode was dry - plenty of hardpack and dry trails, the occasional puddle and and soft patch Rode shaft, round to hang ten, easy way out, kenny's, zuess etc as a short lap |
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Amber |
12 years | view | |
Red |
12 years |
Has anyone had a look at the trails since the light sprinkling we got in Newcastle on Sunday/Monday/Tuesday? |
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Red |
12 years |
Only a guess but...would have to be soaked by now.... |
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Green |
12 years |
Dry n dusty as per expected!-Wildlife report=2 pairs of Scrub Turkeys around the bottom of It Happens/Shit Works & a Land Mullet on Reload!.Quote of the day from a fellow rider-"they have... |
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Green |
12 years |
Had a pleasant ride this morning saw 2 puddles,2 goanas,1 land mullet,1 snake ( didn't stop to ask him what sort he was) lots of brake ruts down the shaft. The work on grass trees looking good... |
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Green |
12 years |
Dry and fast. You guys have some awesome trails |
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Amber |
12 years |
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Amber |
12 years |
All good for riding. Please be aware that the riding direction on Grasstree trail will be officially reversed sometime tomorrow. The new dirtcetion will be from north to south, please be... |
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Green |
12 years |
Back to dry n dusty!-seen a "BIG" Goanna near the bottom fast right hander on Seismick(must be feasting on Rabbits or something!) |
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Green |
12 years |
All good-rain has gone & trails are perfect as was the day to ride! |
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Amber |
12 years |
Would have been green if rain stayed away but more rain will mean some boggy bits will appear |
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Green |
12 years |
Awesome morning for a ride-trails dry n dusty but still quick |
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Green |
12 years |
Dry,fast and dusty good fun |
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Green |
12 years |
Tacky & firm after yesterday's rain on all of the tracks ridden after midday today(only did northside)with only little bits of wet spots which will dry quick in todays sun n breeze. |
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Green |
12 years |
Top day to ride!,everything is fully dry(even firetrail to Hang Ten) & some of the local natives were out also-"Spike" the Echidna(near Hang Ten) & "Scrubber" the Bush Turkey who seemed... |
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Green |
12 years |
All good. The only caution is to watch out when riding onto Kenny's, right behind the noticeboard. This area is apparently now someones toilet. |
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Green |
12 years |
Dry all the way!!!-seems shitworks construction is only weekdays & no work started on Grasstree improvments yet!(whats the go NPWS?) |
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Green |
12 years |
All in good order. Dry through Baileys and only a couple of tiny puddles on Shaft. Still blocked between Shitworks and Snakes & Ladders by construction work. |
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Green |
12 years |
Green for go. Last night's rain has made the tracks fantastic. Finally rode the new BJ's, I like it! This morning at 7am when i went from Shaft to the treatment plant and tried to cut... |
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Green |
12 years |
Green for GO! The odd puddle but otherwise nice and tacky. |
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Green |
12 years |
All nice & dry with awesome weather too!-although on "High Roller" someone has dumbed down the creek crossing by removing "Robs rock" rather than learning to ride it!!!! |
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Green |
12 years |
Had a good ride today tracks all good and dusty with a lot of leaf litter and small branches, except for De Luge which has a couple of big water holes. |
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Green |
12 years |
Rode for 2 hours throughout glenrock and it was incredibly dry. So much so you wouldn't think it got any rain at all. she is green all the way |
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Green |
12 years |
Shaft a few puddles but otherwise good. Snakes & Ladders, Siesmic, Pump Action, Six Shooter, Double Barrel all good. Twisties a few puddles but otherwise good. Reload, Kennys, thanks to the... |
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Amber |
12 years |
Haven't been in this morning but after last night's rain it's not going to be green, may even be red for a day or two. |
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Green |
12 years |
Just been on a loop with EMPY to check a few things out before we meet tomorrow with NPWS. All up, trails are looking pretty good. Few minor wet/mud holes in the usual places (Kenny... |
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Green |
12 years |
Looking pretty good this afternoon. Most of the problems remaining now are just the rutting/puddling caused by people riding while the trails were still wet during the recent rainy season, this... |
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Amber |
12 years |
Went for a spin this arvo, trails are as follows: Double Barrel/twisties/pump action: lots of small/medium branches down, was flicked in the face a few times. A few muddy spots,... |
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Red |
12 years |
rain,rain just go away!-will be wet for weeks |
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Amber |
12 years |
with the drought broken from this rain,Glenrock maybe wet! |
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Green |
12 years |
It was looking a little dusty today, so here is an update to bring on the wet. Really, everything I rode was nice, bordering on dusty. Rather than list all the trails, I'll just list the... |
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Green |
12 years |
95% dry! with the muddy bits weeks from drying & the rest spot on-go the Glenrock |
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Amber |
12 years |
Hi went out last night, although didnt do twisties. Shaft has has the puddles dry out, reload is drying out still slow but not slippery, Kenny's has that first little pinch climb is still a bit... |
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Amber |
12 years |
Edging on Green. |
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Red |
12 years |
Still Red as of Friday night - Twisties, reload, kenny's, baileys all slippery, boggy, and drivetrain wrecking. Climbs out of the creek at the shitworks, and the dipper are 3 pedal strokes... |
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Red |
12 years |
Glenrock is wet again this morning, rained quite a bit overnight. I didn't look at every trail but the whole place is wet and the ground had barely dried yesterday. What is wrong... |
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Amber |
12 years |
Mostly drying out OK but the puddles left are a bit bigger than usual thanks to the extra traffic during the recent wet. Bottom of BJ's, around the Treatment Works, Bailey's Twisties all... |
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Red |
12 years |
Went down shaft, which i will avoid for the next 2 days at least - quite cut up from the traffic on the weekend. Zeuss is dry which should mean amber, but much traffic on weekend has torn up... |
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Red |
12 years |
More rain has made it even worse than the weekend. Please realise that riding while it is this wet damages the trails meaning they hold more water and take even longer to dry out. ... |
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Red |
12 years |
Just for a ride thinking I could do a wet loop. Here are my notes from the ride. Double Barrel - I'm going to call it green, few slippery bits but otherwise fine. |
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Red |
12 years |
And now for the bad news........... It's wet. Trailwork is holding up well but we need to stay off whole it's wet. High Roller ie messy from machine access and now rain. We will... |
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Red |
12 years |
would have to be soaking wet! |
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Green |
12 years |
Drying well - even twisties was tacky and good - only mud at the bottom of the g out - Kenny's, it happens, shaft, 6 shooter all good - even the firetrail climb out from the shit works is no... |
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Amber |
12 years |
Many would call it green frankly - in generally good condition with very few places for tyres to damage trails. after chute is the worst, after baileys is drying and settling down nicely... |
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Red |
12 years |
too wet!-went up to have a look when sun was out today & just did first part of Kenny's til I could get off to City Rd then came back onto Double Barrel & Twisties-both heaps wet &... |
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Green |
12 years |
The Bad and the Ugly - The Good, everything else |
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Amber |
12 years |
Copied the format from the last up date |
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Amber |
12 years |
Only just Orange as it is drying |
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Red |
12 years |
Way too many wet & muddy slippery bits to be anything other than RED. |
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Amber |
12 years |
Took a look today -- Almost a red. It's ridable, but barely...some trails are dry (Snakes, Easy out) but most are still holding water or just plain mucky. If you ride, bring a spare set... |
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Red |
12 years |
Trashed!!!!!!!!!!! |
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Red |
12 years |
Would be soaked again with this rain!!!! |
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Amber |
12 years |
No where near as wet as expected!-not anything as wet like when the weekend of that "infamous Demo Day episode". |
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Red |
12 years |
Would have to be unrideable due to massive amounts of rain & gale force winds! |
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Red |
12 years |
went out at 3:30pm this arvo. Trail was heavy and sticky. More rain came while i was out, plenty of running water on the track very quickly. No standing water and very few puddles. If people... |
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Green |
12 years |
still nice & dry!-rain has only got rid of dust in most places-but BE CAREFUL of machines at shitworks gates & on many firetrails as some work has been done which has given them soft... |
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Green |
12 years |
can it get any better?-top weather & top trails |
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Green |
12 years |
all good on the trails today-just keep an eye for a long Green Tree snake up on Q-Loop where it comes down to the quarry gate!! |
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Green |
12 years |
I'm going with green, the majority of the trails I rode today were fine (shaft, S&L, reload, seismic, quarry, kennys, surfers, easy). Only issues on De Luge. |
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Amber |
12 years |
Just came back from a night jaunt- shaft slippery, twisties is red , didn't even look at reload and just went straight back up the firetrail |
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Green |
12 years |
Green to maybe orange?? |
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Green |
12 years |
Gotta call it green. Bit wet on lower Kenny's and Bailey's, also the puddle at Pump Action. |
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Amber |
12 years |
just enough rain today to make some sections greasy,whilst others are still dry! |
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Amber |
12 years |
Rode this arvo,bordering on green,kennys fine,high roller ok seussland good,shaft ok, hang ten fine management trail wet and sloppy in the usual places,did the link trail up to the fernleigh... |
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Amber |
12 years |
Has gotta be more Amber than Red!-Kenny's way drier than expected!-Suess Land & Shaft heaps dry!-did not do all trails but overall drier than ought to be!!!!!!!!!! |
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Red |
12 years |
Wet were wet Red red red. Did a wet weather loop tonight that was very wet lotsa puddles lotsa crappy mud - will be riding elsewhere over the weekend Sunday is a possible for... |
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Red |
12 years |
Its going to be a wet week; we're likely to see 100mm + by Friday. |
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Amber |
12 years |
must be wet in places from this rain we have had-anyone closer or been on it to verify? |
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Green |
12 years |
Was good, that bit of rain has just taken the layer of dust away and left a few tiny puddles. |
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Amber |
12 years |
Just went for a short loop Kenny s , shaft , s&l, quarry to reload etc - IMO right on the border of green - few puddles here and there , but wet enough to be quite a bit slower than usual.... |
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Amber |
12 years |
Drying out but not there yet. The Gun Club rd. loops are mostly Ok. Wet in Pump Action. There will be issues elsewhere, so tread lightly. Please. |
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Red |
12 years |
Got caught in rain yesterday with a bit of water flowing down the trails. my dodgy rainguage is showing 7mm today and at a slow, drizzly, depressing rate. Given the condition yesterday,... |
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Green |
12 years |
Great Day on the trails. No areas with any issues. Double Barrel/Twistie/Reload were awesome, just some vegetation getting a little tight on Reload. Kenny's - no real issues. ... |
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Green |
12 years |
cracking trails on a cracker of a day!!-all trails dry-even on Bailey's just a little patch of water which is not in the way! |
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Green |
12 years |
Looking good. Spotted a few moto's just over the creek crossing near the fernleigh. |
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Green |
13 years |
Most of the parts I rode today were dry (shaft, gun club, S&L, seismic, reload, high roller), still small muddy sections on kenny's. |
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Green |
13 years |
driest it has been for months-Yurelabah firetrail has a few wet patches but all singletrail is dry |
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Green |
13 years |
Would have to call it 'green with some issues'. There's just a few puddles left now and they are just the spots that were damaged in the recent extended wet. |
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Amber |
13 years |
Went for a ride an easy this arvo to have a look. Shaft ok, usual puddles. |
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Amber |
13 years |
Just got back from trailwork. Drying slowly today. By this afternoon the Gun Club ridge loops should be ok. You could ride... |
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Amber |
13 years |
Was starting to dry out yesterday but more rain in the evening didn't help. |
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Amber |
13 years |
Went for a look this morning , the work done on kennies is working ,well done workers. The entry to high roller from baileys has a huge bog hole haven't seen one there before. I missed the... |
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Red |
13 years |
wet & getting wetter with every drop of rain |
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Green |
13 years |
Rode this morning. Baileys is still very wet. I carried the bike around the really bad bits. Twisties is now as good as dry. If you carry your bike and dont ride through the worst sections of... |
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Amber |
13 years |
I Would not call it red any more. The bog holes on Kenny's will be there until we fix them on Saturday. |
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Red |
13 years |
Some spots are drying nicely. Some are horrible. If you know the trails well you cam link together a decent amber ride using firetrail double barrel snakes and ladder fire road up to bjs it... |
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Green |
13 years |
open for business if you pay NPWS some$$$$$$ then you can have a demo day-it is very wet but NPWS do not give a flying fuck-what a disrespect to all who love Glenrock-GTA means pissing in the... |
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Red |
13 years |
very heavy rain showers early this morning would have the trails soaking wet-just as they were drying up!!! |
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Amber |
13 years |
Wet pockets, and Baileys is boggy, but largely okay. |
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Red |
13 years |
went up to do some trail maintenance yesterday. If it weren't for riders riding in the wet believe it or not, the trails would likely have been amber by yesterday arvo. Trails were largely. A... |
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Red |
13 years |
Went for a ride last night after we had 2mm of rain the night before, and it was quite a lot wetter than wednesday. So far 12mm overnight - it will be very bad through the weekend (unless we get... |
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Green |
13 years |
Get out there before the rain |
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Green |
13 years |
seems pretty good to me, there is maybe 10 meters of Bailey's that is a mess but that's about it |
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Amber |
13 years |
still amber-dry in heaps of places but where it is muddy & wet-still not anywhere near to drying out-please keep a lookout for NPWS rangers Simon & Alan with their truck up at the top of... |
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Amber |
13 years |
Kennys/Baileys paddock red - most trails are fun which is a big step up from early in the week though ad per paddos post below plenty of puddles - take it easy in those spots - tends to be a... |
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Red |
13 years |
Just i case anyone is in doubt - its red. went for a quick stint down the goos in the wet trails - down to the picnic table, climb back up, rinse, repeat (PB for the hill climb woohoo!) plenty... |
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Amber |
13 years |
got rain overnight so dry parts now wet-wet parts now really wet-can it please not rain for at least a week!!!!!!! |
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Green |
13 years |
dried out on all but Bailey's paddock & the fireroad from Hang Ten to the creek-was damn hot & muggy up there today |
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Green |
13 years |
there are a couple of little nasty bits, however these are unlikely to dry out quickly. There is about 10 meters on Kenny's that is amber, twisties has 2 boggy sections maybe a meter each... |
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Amber |
13 years |
Avoid Kenny's!! kenny's and baileys paddock is very red - bad for your bike, you have to ride real slow across baileys - i would head towards the picnic table at the point near the beach,... |
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Red |
13 years |
heavy rain overnight & this morning have again as per the last couple of weeks!!!!!have saturated the trails just as they were drying up-fingers crossed for heaps of sun to dry it out for the... |
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Amber |
13 years |
Just got back and looking pretty good. Still a few squishy bits, mainly kennys. Plenty of grip in the trails and should be great in the coming days if it stays dry. |
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Amber |
13 years |
drying out slowly-still many bits of mud & water-but some tracks are dry already-could hear & see where 2 moto's were fanging up there today |
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Red |
13 years |
must have copped a flogging of rain-would be really wet |
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Amber |
13 years |
Not tooooo bad. |
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Amber |
13 years |
Monday morning. |
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Amber |
13 years |
drying up quick!-just small patches of mud/water around & some tracks bone dry |
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Amber |
13 years |
Not great, deffinately not terrible! I'd say rideable! |
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Red |
13 years |
would be totally soaking wet |
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Amber |
13 years |
Clay sections of Kennys are quite wet. Dr Seuss is pretty wet in spots. Shaft is very wet and will be damaged if ridden heavily. Most other areas are OK but with some wet patches. |
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Amber |
13 years |
heavy overnight rain in the area will have made some areas wet & boggy |
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Green |
13 years |
going for green as only minimal patches of water &/or mud plus wind & sun will dry them out in days-as long as it does not rain!!! |
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Amber |
13 years |
Had a good ride this morning and covered most of the trails. Some small patches of water in the low lying areas but other than that the trail would be 90% in my opinion. Creeks were fine. It will... |
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Amber |
13 years |
Went for a quick ride last night at 7pm. Some damp patches through Kenny's and Shaft but if it stays dry today, conditions will further improve. |
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Red |
13 years |
Went this morning - lot of standing water and soft surfaces, very slippery- will get better as the day goes on. Fireroads are OK - creek crossings were pretty deep too. |
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Amber |
13 years |
no have not looked BUT we have had some rain so there will be wet patches |
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Green |
13 years |
More damp than wet with very few puddles. |
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Amber |
13 years |
easily amber some small patches of water & some trails bone dry & get well the bloke who broke his collarbone from a stack on Shaft |
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Red |
13 years |
The rain we have had, you'd be kidding yourself riding Glenrock, or any of the local trails. Typical, day before a holiday. |
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Green |
13 years |
night ride last night. All good. Dust has been washed away, trails are dry and fast |
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Green |
13 years |
Trails dry. Perfect! Lots of riders make for busy trails. |
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Green |
13 years |
Trails all good get out there and have fun |
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Green |
13 years |
Tracks are great! Fast conditions! Some new lines popping up from lots of riders hitting trails. |
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Green |
13 years |
About as good as it get's........ de-luge was the only mud i could find |
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Green |
13 years |
Did a coupla laps after lunch today, the track is good, and almost completely dry. |
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Green |
13 years |
went for a night ride last night. Perfect conditions. Tacky, fast, smooth. 4-5 little pot holes with water that need some dirt in em, but thats about all. Certainly was a good night to... |
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Green |
13 years |
Just got back from a ride and can report that the conditions are brilliant. |
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Green |
13 years |
10/10 |
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Green |
13 years |
95% sweet a few mud holes in the usual spots and a few new lines popping up around them....maybe people dont want to get there new crissy toys dirty. |
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Red |
13 years |
with the rain which started last night & still continues now,the trails will be soaking wet |
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Green |
13 years |
has dried up well-but if it rains as predicted this arvo it will be back to yellow for sure! |
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Amber |
13 years |
Did it get a heavy shower last night/this morning as there is some big puddles & mud patches on Kenny's & Suess Land(even running water) only did about 7kms in there as it was wet in many... |
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Green |
13 years |
Couple of wet spots around some corners which should be easy to avoid. Baileys is completely dry. Just watch yourself coming down BJ's, i binned it this morning. Those ruts up the top are a... |
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Amber |
13 years |
just copping a heap of rain at the moment in Newie so there will be some soggy spots up there |
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Green |
13 years |
Tracks drying out well only a few puddles great morning for a ride |
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Amber |
13 years |
The MTB trails have drained and are mostly dry. Some of the corners are soft and there are a few muddy patches at the low points -- so ride gently. |
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Red |
13 years |
would be a mud bath with all this rain-may not be dry by the weekend |
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Amber |
13 years |
some big patches of water/mud on parts that cannot be missed-your bike will get dirty & crunchy-needs a day or 2 of some sun & breeze to fully dry-heaps of riders out there this morning... |
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Green |
13 years |
good to go with only some small patches of mud drying out quick under blue skies & breeze |
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Amber |
13 years |
Trails are generally fairly good, but there is numerous spots with standing water/mud. Pay particular attention to the first bog area as you come into Bailey's Paddock. I nearly went over the... |
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Amber |
13 years |
Checked it out this morning. The paddock between Kenny's and High Roller is still boggy. |
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Amber |
13 years |
couple of wet bits, looks like there have ben heaps of riders through, muddy holes are just that little bit bigger now could use some dirt to fill em back up again, other than that 90% of the... |
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Red |
13 years |
just keeps raining so I would say the trails are soaked-please give a little lovin to them so please stay off! |
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Amber |
13 years |
taking a guess? that with the rain we have had there would be some soggy spots on the trails |
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Green |
13 years |
trails are dry-but BJ's & Shaft are getting chewed up big time-ruts'n'chunks of trail all over these!-next Sat. can we work on one of these than doing "it happens" Mick? |
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Green |
13 years |
all good today-pick of trails?-had to be "Seuss Land"-lots of shade,fantastic bright blue ocean to the right & a nice cool seabreeze to help me forget how bad riding with a hangover is! |
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Green |
13 years |
went for a ride this morning. Was a little wet in some places. It could be rated on the cusp of amber and green. With the wind today, my bet is that most of moisture in the trail is gone. |
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Green |
13 years |
Go Go GO Go Go GO GO GO GO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
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Amber |
13 years |
Rode at 8am Thurs morn. Overnight rain has made slippery areas slippery, muddy areas muddy etc. Shouldn't take long for it to dry out to great conditions again, decent onshore winds today with no... |
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Green |
13 years |
Trail are in excellent condition after the recent rain very fast and tacky |
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Green |
13 years |
just right!!!-be careful of big rut on Snakes & Ladders as it has been skidded to the shithouse so is very loose-can lose traction when powering up the hill |
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Green |
13 years |
Trails are in great condition. Get out and ride! |
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Green |
13 years |
Trail conditions were excellent today on the trails I rode. A couple of moist patches, but nothing that would flick up on your frame as mud. |
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Green |
13 years |
All good today except the fire road south of the point picnic table towards the creek crossing is still wet... oh and this little beauty was hanging out on it too! |
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Green |
13 years |
Went for a ride this arvo between 2 & 4pm. Did a full lap (Except BJ's). Gotta give it a green light despite a few wet patches here and there. One at the start of Baileys, a couple in shaft... |
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Amber |
13 years |
Went for a ride yesterday arvo and like Refresh said in his report, the wetest part in the park are the fire trails. Double Barrel and Twisties was fine, Seismick was fine, Snakes and Buckshot... |
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Red |
13 years |
soaked to the max!!! |
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Amber |
13 years |
Walked some areas today, I can't imagine the whole network would be 'Red' status, probably just the usual suspects. Avoid them if you can will help long term. |
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Red |
13 years |
Empy's done it again with with just a single 'no comment' post-I hope he has enough room in his ark for all us GTA riders!!!!! |
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Green |
13 years |
O.K for the moment-watch out for Black Snake between sewer works & bottom of BJ/SH'S also seen Scrub Turkey(?) 3/4 of the way up Buckshot!!!! |
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Green |
13 years |
Glenrock is go! Shall be a busy weekend I suspect, provided the weather holds out... |
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Green |
13 years |
Walked a lot of trail today and it was looking OK. |
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Red |
13 years |
floggy down rain-would be a muddy hell |
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Green |
13 years |
Pretty good, still dusty despite the rain this morning, it's like it hadn't rained at all! |
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Green |
13 years |
was dry 'n' dusty when I started-but sprinkling of rain will keep the dust down & hpoefully turn it tacky-if rain does not get heavy will still be ok to ride |
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Green |
13 years |
perfect. Little dusty on BJ's, ruts need some work, Bog we have all been talking about is all but dried up. Trails could do with a light sprinkling of rain to keep them tacky. Had to... |
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Green |
13 years |
all dry!-last left hand berm b4 track down to creek on Shaft is now called 'Echidna Corner'-lttle blighter was checking its camber angle-also do not stack when spotting young hottie on grey horse... |
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Green |
13 years |
nice & dry(except that creek crossing bog hole!) perfect day to ride-sun & cool breeze abounds-stopped an L-plater on a KTM trail bike from going in just as I was about to leave-he asked... |
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Green |
13 years |
Beautiful day for a ride single trail 99% fine just puddles in the usual spots,major bog hole at creek crossing at the very bottom of shit happen's some water on fire roads.Couldn't see any... |
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Amber |
13 years |
Rode late this arvo single trail 95% fine just puddles in the usual spots,major bog hole at creek crossing at the very bottom of shit happen's some water on fire roads.If it stays dry over nite... |
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Red |
13 years |
Steady rain overnight and this morning... |
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Green |
13 years |
Was in there for a night ride last night, drying at perfectly except for the bog hole where the firetrail crosses the creek down the bottom of BJs / It Happens. Super fun elsewhere even Bailey's... |
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Green |
13 years |
all tracks nice & dry except that boghole at the creek on bottom of BJ's/It Happens-keep an eye out for all our legged reptiles who are enjoying the first warm sun-would be a shame to run... |
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Green |
13 years |
A few puddles on the single track nothing major,mostly sweet and very tacky.Bog hole on the creek crossing at very bottom of shit happens and water on fire trail between creek crossings. Pick of... |
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Green |
13 years |
nice'n'dry but for water across the firetrail from headland to creek cossing in 3 spots-was getting a lot of usage this arvo-just keep an eye out for riders doing trails in wrong direction, had 5... |
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Green |
13 years |
Drying out rapidly, very little standing water on single trail.Just watch the creek crossing on the very bottom of shit happens its a bog.Shaft is the stand out trail fast and tacky.With the sun... |
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Amber |
13 years |
Haven't looked at the whole trail network, but there's no way it's that bad anymore. Anyone else? |
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Red |
13 years |
Torrential Rain Overnight. Glenrock was already wet - now it's worse - good day to give it a miss. We will be doing some trailwork, what we do will depend on how wet it is. |
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Amber |
13 years |
Rode this morning, plenty of good stuff, but quite a few puddles and mushy bits. probably from the rain Thurs morn before sun-up. If it gets any wetter it wont be any good, but if it there's no... |
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Green |
13 years |
Got in early today for a spin and the trails are great. Most of the puddles on the single trail are gone leaving only a few wet bits on the management trail. Really there is no issues to... |
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Green |
13 years |
Nice smooth dirt. Very speedy and dry.
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Amber |
13 years |
A bit wet up there this morning, coming up blackboy traction was nearly non-existent. Very slippery clay in a lot of areas. good sunny day should sort it. |
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Green |
13 years |
Was actually surprised how well the trails held up to the overnight rain, a couple of puddles to avoid but otherwise damp but ridable (apart from the stack i had on the berm bends in the quarry,... |
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Green |
13 years |
Rode here today for the first time and all is good, no mud spots. Only real issues were the lack of signs for naming the trails and which direction they should be ridden in. |
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Green |
13 years |
Quick spin yesterday evening: Few minor wet areas but mostly it's all pretty good, fingers crossed the weather stays good. |
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Green |
13 years |
does it get any better?-wow what a cracker of a day to ride-all tracks spot on! |
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Green |
13 years |
Posted by trancexone Just got back from Glenrock, rode everything and can't think of any tracks that are not full green. Bailey's Paddock is a bit damp but the main line through the middle... |
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Green |
13 years |
all good get some |
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Amber |
13 years |
Wet. Started to ride up to gun club road on fernliegh trail but it was to wet turned back and took the road to towers.stated to ride along kennys which was not too bad got to bailies which... |
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Red |
13 years |
Raining cats and dogs |
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Amber |
13 years |
Wetter than I expected this afternoon. Puddles in Suess Land and wet patches on BJs, shaft has some wet patches that are hard to avoid so they are getting pretty muddy with wheel ruts.... |
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Amber |
13 years |
Wet in places. Can anyone give a more detailed report? |
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Red |
13 years |
Given the comments here: status is duly marked as "Red" |
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Green |
13 years |
all good fast and tacky in places |
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Green |
13 years |
all good green all the way-although there was no migrating Whales to fully enhance the riding experience off the coast today! |
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Green |
13 years |
Did a lap yesterday arvo, the trails are pretty darn good and even Baileys isn't muddy (just rutted from the previous mud). Shaft is great, Snakes and Ladders holding up well although obvious... |
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Green |
13 years |
Did a lap this arvo, the trails are pretty darn good and even Baileys isn't muddy (just rutted from the previous mud). Shaft is great, Snakes and Ladders holding up well although obvious signs... ![]() |
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Green |
13 years |
Its about as good as it gets this time of year, most trails are dry other than the usual puddles. Fire trails, upper kenny and chute all are looking good. The paddock is still a total mess but... |
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Amber |
13 years |
Went for a ride at 10am this morning from behind the fence fernlieh track over to sewer works rd, bottom of shute to powerlines and bailies soft and tacky but rideable,there is a large rut... |
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Amber |
13 years |
Went for a spin late this morning. A bit wetter than I was expecting in parts but other areas were nice. Of the trails I rode. |
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Red |
13 years |
very wet in many places from Gun Club to BJ's very wet & slippery, is even wet on SH's in bits , Shaft is wet,only Snakes & Ladders is ok! |
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Amber |
13 years |
Went for a quick ride around lunch today, its still too wet to enjoy this arvo but a sunny day should see it good for tomorrow... |
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Amber |
13 years |
verging on green. if it stays dry today, it will likely be green by this arvo. new "planned" trails are sweet. older stuff is heavy under the wheels with a handful of boggy bits |
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Amber |
13 years |
Haven't been up there but judging by the rain we've had in Merewether I'd say it's likely to be wet in Glenrock now. |
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Green |
13 years |
You can't expect it to be any better than this at this time of year. The good is really good and Bailey's is at least rideable. Sure to be a big day tomorrow, observing the... |
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Amber |
13 years |
Went for a spin this arvo and most trails are looking good, the biggest issue is leaf litter and debris left after the recent wild weather. A few wet spots here and there and Baileys paddock is... |
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Amber |
13 years |
Interesting ride today. Most trails are looking good particularly the new work adjacent to gun club road. |
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Amber |
13 years |
I'm using all the names on the latest map so people know what area I'm talking about. I road G-Rock at 3pm this arvo (Saturday). Double Barrel, Twisties ('n'Dip) and Reload all good. ... |
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Amber |
13 years |
Just back from some trail work and it is surprisingly dry in the park. Double Barrel is great other than one low point between billabongs. |
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Amber |
13 years |
Most of the singletack is still very wet. Areas of new work on Shaft definately a no-go. Baileys Paddock a mess. Puddles around Mud Jumps You could have a pretty good... |
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Red |
13 years |
Even wetter than yesterday. Unless white water rafting is your thing, best to stick to indoor sports. Looking to be wet all week, but the good news is we have a build day coming up... |
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Red |
13 years |
went up for a quick look. Very wet. If rain stays gentle and it stops today, it could be good for Sunday arvo. |
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Amber |
13 years |
Fair bit of rain last night, i would stay away this morning. If we get a few hours sun it could come good for later this arvo. |
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Green |
13 years |
Really dry, even dusty in spots, the usual puddles are still there but on the whole its looking really good! the new trail work is looking great and setting in well... |
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Amber |
13 years |
I was in there this afternoon and while most trails are good there are still a few wet spots, made worse be the traffic over the weekend. Overall I would say it's fine to ride IF you stay away... ![]() |
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Amber |
13 years |
Anyone got an update for Glenrock? |
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Amber |
13 years |
There was more rain overnight on an already saturated base, tracks are significantly wetter than yesterday (at least at Seuss area which is where I stuck my head in). I would leave it til this... |
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Amber |
13 years |
Drying out pretty well in most areas. The clay based sections are still a bit soft, parts of Double Barrel and the middle section of Shaft for example. Can't really call it red any more or... |
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Red |
13 years |
Unless you have a boat and/or hover craft, maybe best to stay away and look at an alternate activity like syncronised swimming, or knitting. Should be a mess for a few days now. ... |
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Red |
13 years |
Got back late from a weekend away and didn't realise how much rain we've had. Super keen to try out my new lights so I headed out. Basically it was a slop fest on the new work and there... |
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Red |
13 years |
30mm + overnight and still raining, the trails are going to need some drying out time after this. |
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Amber |
13 years |
We just had about 20mm of rain in the last hour, I doubt conditions will be any good in the morning. |
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Green |
13 years |
Conditions are absolutely perfect. OOps is that rain I hear? Might need to update the status soon. Oh well the trails need it. |
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Green |
13 years |
All good in the hood, fast and dry, get amongst it folks! now just hoping this nice weather stays round for the weekend... |
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Green |
13 years |
bit of rain overnight has left a few spots damp but the rest is dry or nice 'n' tacky! |
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Green |
13 years |
Perfect conditions and great weather = great ride |
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Green |
13 years |
thought i had better beat empy to it. All good in the hood |
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Amber |
13 years |
Needs a day of sun to fully dry things out-wind has been blowin nice & strong.New sectoin of Shaft up the hill will work great when finished. |
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Red |
13 years |
Definitely too wet to ride now. Notice I didn't post status until after it rained for 3 hours, not my fault this time. |
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Green |
13 years |
Sun is out,breeze is blowing the few little bog holes dry & the master Glen Jacobs has built some more singletrack!!!-so go get some!! |
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Green |
13 years |
Looks good at the moment, get out soon more rain is on the way. |
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Amber |
13 years |
Wet and soggy, fire roads are good but i would avoid most of the single track if possible. An afternoon of sun should see it good for tomorrow... |
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Green |
13 years |
Drying out fast, just a few puddles and the usual suspect spots. |
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Amber |
13 years |
slippery & wet in some spots,will dry quickly without more rain as breeze was strong up there, but if rains again go to red status-B line on chute of KW's has deep braking rut caused by... |
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Green |
13 years |
As of 12:30 today when I left Glenrock the trails were awesome. Again, a little loose/dusty on the upper sections of BJ's but otherwise awesome. Pick of the trails was again Upper Jumping... |
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Green |
13 years |
Trails are awesome. Little dry and loose in some sections, but otherwise perfect. My pick of the trails today, Jumping the Gun into Twisties. |
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Green |
13 years |
Looking good now, Double Barrel doubly so, even the clay pan is OK. Otherwise... |
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Amber |
13 years |
not as wet as expected in some spots(upper jumping the gun is great) & then there is some standing water in spots not seen for ages.Did not do full circuit-only from Burwood Rd sniggle along... |
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Green |
13 years |
Dry, fast and very green... get amongst it folks! - Upper Kenny's is still a bit soggy as usual so avoid for the next few days if possible (or at least bypass the black pipe section), other than... |
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Green |
13 years |
some issues, but they are very minor issues. |
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Red |
13 years |
Saturated and still raining. Went for a walk this morning and I'm afraid it doesn't look good for the weekend. Even if it stopped raining now it wouldn't dry out enough. |
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Amber |
13 years |
Glenrock will not be good with this much rain happening, in fact I'd say it should be red status but I haven't had a good look around. |
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Green |
13 years |
go for green-seen only 2 small wet patches on the 'Twisties' which has tree cover, the rest is all good! |
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Amber |
13 years |
Mostly dry and ride-able however still a fair bit of slush and trail damage from the recent weather along with puddles in the usual spots - i would avoid today if possible, if it stays sunny... |
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Red |
14 years |
All singletrack, dirt and clay based were still wet this arvo. Firetrails and access roads are OK if you want to just get out there. |
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Red |
14 years |
Stay away folks, its a quagmire! Got caught out there in the rain this arvo, had to walk the bike out - most trails were slush, with a bit of sun tomorrow it may be good for the afternoon, just... |
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Amber |
14 years |
sunrise ![]() |
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Amber |
14 years |
almost there. little to sticky in some places. give it today |
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Amber |
14 years |
Drying out, pray for more good weather. |
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Red |
14 years |
Glenrock will not be OK in the morning, it's been flogging rain this evening. |
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Amber |
14 years |
Raining this morning. |
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Green |
14 years |
All good now, won't be long and we'll want more rain. |
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Amber |
14 years |
Drying out quickly, the real surprise is Jump the Gun. I was working up there today and it was looking good, Billabongs all full of water but the trail was drying out fast, thinking that as it... |
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Red |
14 years |
Rain again this arv. Went up to do some trailwork and it was already a bit wet then it rained, got worsse really quickly. Forget it for another day. If it keeps raining tonight it will be even... |
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Amber |
14 years |
What a differance a day can make!! |
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Red |
14 years |
very wet & boggy-please stay away as tracks are getting very chewed up! |
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Green |
14 years |
Trails are looking great, dry and fast! There is a fair bit of loose powder-ish dirt around particularly down the bottom of the hill where the new water bars were after BJ's and through the... |
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Green |
14 years |
dry 'n' dusty again, new section before "Twisties" flows great-waterbars at bottom of BJ's/SH's are gone, but be careful of loose powdery dirt on right hand turn down to creek after this! |
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Green |
14 years |
good as it gets-slight rain last night has gotten rid of any dust & new section on "upper jumping the gun" works all good-heaps of Mozzies though! |
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Green |
14 years |
Dry, Dusty but otherwise in top shape. A little bit of rain and the trails will be perfect. Pick of the trails today for me was twisties, but Suess Land seemed more fun than usual... |
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Green |
14 years |
Dusty ,dry and humid .....the npws boys are setting a cracking pace even working Sunday! Looking real good a bit of rain would help .Loving the reworked drop offs |
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Green |
14 years |
Probably as good as it gets ......just keep an eye and ear out for the moto rider, i was flying down bj's and he was flying up it not good! |
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Green |
14 years |
Decent run tonight, track is in really good shape, dry and fast!. There are a few puddles in the usual spots but nothing major, plus the new trail work is setting well, it looks great!!! |
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Amber |
14 years |
Went out 6pm yesterday. Tracks damp only saw 3 puddles, bike only has a bit of mud on it instead of dust. left hand side of the shute a bit muddy take it easy |
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Green |
14 years |
all good, rain has settled the dust down heaps-NPWS are doing a great job on Upper Jumping the Gun-when finished will rock! |
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Green |
14 years |
All good. Surprising little damage after race |
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Amber |
14 years |
Went out for a qick spin late yesterday, tracks damp just all the loose dust holding moisture also there were a lot of small branchs across track, enjoyed the new work at UJG great work |
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Red |
14 years |
tis a bog. Once the storm front moves on, it should dry out pretty quickly. I went for a sneaky spin after the big dump, way to wet to be out. |
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Green |
14 years |
very dry!-new section on Upper Jumping the Gun works really good just need some rain to settle things down a bit! |
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Green |
14 years |
all good , new section working it self in-NPWS about to work on Upper Jumping the Gun this week -keep an eye out for them & please stop & have chat with Simon & Paul(?)-they are in... |
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Green |
14 years |
Dry and dusty kept looseing the front wheel today. |
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Green |
14 years |
All good. Seemingly unaffected by the recent showers, all tracks are dry but not dusty, perfect riding condition! Most of the sticks and debris from last week's slashing have been cleared from... |
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Green |
14 years |
All good. Look out for heavy machinery working on the Shute. and leef liter on some trails the slasher has been in on some trails. |
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Green |
14 years |
all good. tacky this morning, probably nice and dry by this afternoon. watch for the mozzies though. What used to be the biggest bog up there after a downpour is now the best drained, driest... ![]() |
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Amber |
14 years |
Got caught in this mornings downpour, hightailed it on the fireroads back to the tar, but there were some sizable rivers running by the time I got there. Might be worth leaving it for 12/... |
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Green |
14 years |
Dry-even dusty in some spots-must have just about cleared all spider webs! |
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Green |
14 years |
Great conditions for an early ride this morning. |
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Green |
14 years |
Nice & dry |
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Green |
14 years |
all good-go & burn off those Xmas calories! |
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Green |
14 years |
Good. rode late yesterday afternoon, plenty of traffic but that has cleared all the bark and branches that were there monday afternoon from high winds sunday night, watch out going down BJs some... |
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Green |
14 years |
Pretty good no dust and just about no standing water either. |
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Green |
14 years |
Perfect-get on ya bike & get some! |
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Green |
14 years |
all good. Drained well. |
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Red |
14 years |
Raining again-started early this morning please stay away |
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Green |
14 years |
all good-cleared all the spider webs this morning with an early start-just look out for walkers disobeying the NO DOMESTIC PETS signs with their uncontrollable dogs!!! |
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Green |
14 years |
perfectly dry. great ride this arvo |
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Green |
14 years |
went out this morning. Looked pretty good to me |
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Amber |
14 years |
Did a lap on Thursday afternoon only a bit of water in the usual places. |
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Red |
14 years |
Raining again, with it only just drying from last week it will be back to bog again. |
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Green |
14 years |
all good-just remember to take the Aeroguard as there is heaps of mozzies!! |
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Green |
14 years |
Only small puddles now, even Bailey's is nearly dry. |
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Amber |
14 years |
Apart from Bailey's Paddock, it's pretty dry. Baileys' will require another day or two to dry out. |
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Amber |
14 years |
Drying out quickly with this weather. Still some puddles. |
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Red |
14 years |
wet,muddy & soggy |
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Green |
14 years |
Awesome all good-was a great day for a ride! |
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Green |
14 years |
go for a ride. The trails are in excellent shape. Not a puddle of water to be seen (except for upper jg) |
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Red |
14 years |
Wet. |
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Green |
14 years |
perfect-dry-sun is out & cool sea breeze to keep things just right!!! |
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Green |
14 years |
Trails are surprisingly fine after rain only small puddles in the usual places.Problems are with sticks and branches all over the place. Had to stop and clear trails 4 or 5 times sum are huge!... |
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Green |
14 years |
95% Dry a few puddles here and there still muddy on up kenny the rest is sweet |
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Green |
14 years |
I went for a wander out there this morning. It's damp and a few puddles and greasy bits as you would expect. The trails are generally looking quite good with all but a handful managing to... |
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Amber |
14 years |
I went for a wander out there this morning. It's damp and a few puddles and greasy bits as you would expect. The trails are generally looking quite good with all but a handful managing to... |
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Green |
14 years |
Dry and dusty. The rain just started as as we finished so it should make it nice and tacky... |
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Amber |
14 years |
All good except for the required burn off on the weekend. |
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Amber |
14 years |
From NPWS, please note; |
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Green |
14 years |
good to go!-a cracker of a day to ride-does not get any better |
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Green |
14 years |
only some small wet patches to be seen,BJ's is now becoming a work of art-berms to the MAX!! |
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Green |
14 years |
If you had come in from out of town today, you wouldn't believe it rained all day yesterday. |
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Red |
14 years |
to wet. a day of sunshine and a little wind will see it right |
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Amber |
14 years |
A bit of water lying around as of yesterday afternoon, mainly good to ride but if you don't want to wash your bike head out to Awaba instead. |
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Green |
14 years |
Was almost perfect this afternoon. And the freesias are out!!! (Not that I was sniffing flowers?!?) Rob(ert) |
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Green |
14 years |
driest I have seen for a while-only some small bits of water across some tracks |
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Green |
14 years |
Just spent 3 blissful hours cruising 90% dry only water in the usual places (low land) get stuck in! while the weathers good. |
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Green |
14 years |
good to go Still need to do some repairs on KW, and upper seusland. The sections are so trashed there is little point in staying of em |
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Red |
14 years |
haven't been up there, but given the day of rain, might be best to give it a day or so of sunshine to dry out a bit |
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Green |
14 years |
pretty good. couple of sticky bits, but good to go. stay of upper jumping the gun though |
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Green |
14 years |
upper JG still wet, other than that, all good. Needs some repair in some spots though. [Mod. changed to Glenrock - see comment below] |
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Amber |
14 years |
Boggy corner on Upper Kenny, Upper Jumping the gun is boggy at the start, uper seusland has a couple of boggy sections other than that it is all good. Will be green in 2 dry days. |
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Red |
14 years |
went for a walk this arvo. Looks like the punters have been having a good old time up there. Some of the corners are blooooowwwwwwnnnnn out. Shame really. We will need to get in to repair. I... ![]() |
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Red |
14 years |
Whent for a look at the trails today, there is a lot off water laying around, if it does not rain anymore track maybe OK Sunday. |
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Green |
14 years |
drying up well,usual boggy spots only small ,but forecast of more rain is not good for next weekend!#^* |
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Amber |
14 years |
Rode this morning, mostly good and drying out well. Some of the clay trails and low gullys wet and soggy. If you avoid the usual suspects where water builds up it is riding pretty nice. Another... |
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Red |
14 years |
went for a run this morning, and it is pretty soggy.......give it a day or two..... |
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Green |
14 years |
Sunday am. Can only be described as PERFECT!! I had a ball today, rode some trails I had not tried before. The work the Trail Faires have done on what I think is BJ's is awesome. Thanks... |
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Green |
14 years |
heaps good,only small avoidable patches of mud and/or water on tracks not dusty either. |
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Green |
14 years |
Good as you'd expect, Bailey's is still wet, but if you wait for that to dry out you won't ride till summer... |
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Amber |
14 years |
A few puddles but generally good. Rode there this morning 9am |
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Amber |
14 years |
Muddy, slippery and a fair bit of standing water |
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Green |
14 years |
A few little mud & water patches, heaps better than last week |
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Green |
14 years |
Glenrock is fine now, you can't expect it to be any better, a few puddles is normal after this much rain. |
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Amber |
14 years |
still some bog holes and water on some trails, some can be ridden around others cannot |
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Red |
14 years |
Jus saw this posted elsewhere from a glenrock local. "Had a look (but didn't ride it) this morning. The ground is still very soft and there was a fair bit of standing water. It's windy... |
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Red |
14 years |
Wet & Muddy, rode from Fernleigh track up to Gun Club entrance through Baileys then BJ's and SH, really soaked needs sun & some wind to dry |
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Red |
14 years |
Did trailwork up there yesterday, the section we were working had mud and standing water in areas all around-needs at least aweek to dry out |
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Amber |
14 years | view | |
Green |
14 years | view | |
Amber |
14 years |
Raining |
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Green |
14 years |
Couldn't be much better - perfect conditions |
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Green |
14 years |
Trails are riding sweet with the new works to Shit Happens bedding in nicely. |
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Green |
14 years | view | |
Amber |
14 years |
Walked Glenrock today with the NPWS, IMBA and some of the trail crew. The new works to "Shit Happens" are very soggy, so best to be avoided till it settles in. The water has only... |
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Green |
15 years |
Perfect conditions this morning |
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Green |
15 years |
Perfect conditions - didn't even need to wash the bike after our loop |
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Green |
15 years |
A new section of trail in the "shit happens" area has had a major rework. Still the lower half to be completed in a couple of weeks, but the following pictures show what we achieved. The... |
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Green |
15 years |
Rode this morning and even after some rain on the weekend trail is in excellent condition. |
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Amber |
15 years |
I rode the trail yesterday, 30th December. Generally the trails were fast and tacky. A few trouble spots on Upper Kenny Wells particularly where the trail splits into two different lines. ... |
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Green |
15 years |
Great track, fast, dry and dusty on the weekend - albeit very bloody hot !!! |
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